

 (硬; 坚强) hard; rigid; firm; unyielding; strong; indomitable:
  血气方刚 full of sap;
  柔能克刚。 The soft can overcome the hard.
  她的舞蹈柔中有刚。 There is strength as well as grace in her dancing.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  刚冰 Gang Bing
 (恰好) just; exactly:
  刚合适 fit perfectly
 (表示勉强达到某种程度; 仅仅) barely; only just:
  刚成年 be barely of age;
  刚赶趟儿 be only just in time;
  这条裙子刚过膝。 The skirt comes just below my knees.
 (表示行动或情况发生在不久以前) only a short while ago; just:
  刚刚离开这儿 has just left here;
  刚到 have just arrived;
  电影刚开始。 The film has just started.
  他刚到农村时, 连麦子韭菜都分不清。 When he first came to the countryside, he couldn't tell wheat from Chinese chives.
 (用“就”字呼应, 表示两件事紧接) as soon as; just; only at this moment; it so happened that:
  汽车刚要开他就赶来了。 He came just as the bus was about to leave.
  我刚进屋就下雨了。 I had hardly come into the room when it began to rain.




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