

 (构词成分)见“?划” (bāi huai)另见 huá; huà。
 2) 划(④劃)
 (拨水前进) paddle; row:
  划船 paddle (row) a boat; go boating;
  他们每分钟划40桨。 They rowed 40 to the minute.
  探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。 The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.
 (合算) be to one's profit; pay:
  划得来。 It is worthwhile.; It pays.
  这么好的地, 种饲料划不来。 It doesn't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil.;
 (用尖锐的东西在别的东西上割) scratch; cut the surface of:
  划玻璃 cut a piece of glass;
  闪电划过长空。 The lightning flashed across the sky.
  她手划破了。 Her hands were scratched.
 (一种东西在另一种东西上擦或扫过) scratch; strike:
  他划了一根火柴。 He struck a match.
 另见 huà; huai
 3) 划(劃)
 (划分) delimit; differentiate:
  划成分 determine class status;
  划界 delimit a boundary;
  中国与朝鲜的边界已正式划定了。 The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited.
 (划拨) transfer; assign:
  划款 transfer money;
  国营农场把试验田划给这个小组负责。 The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group.
 (计划) plan:
  筹划 plan and prepare;
  规划 programme; plan
 (用笔或类似笔的东西做出线或作为标记的文字) draw; mark; delineate:
  划出课文要点 mark the main points in the text;
  划掉一个字 cross out a word;
  划十字 mark sth. with a cross
 (汉字的一笔叫一划) stroke (of a Chinese character)另见 huá; huai。




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