

字词 分明
释义 分明
 fēn míng
 (清楚) clear; obvious; clearly demarcated; sharply contoured; distinct:
  黑白分明 as distinct as black from white;
  界线分明 clear demarcation;
  爱憎分明 be clear about what to love and what to hate; know clearly whom to love and whom to hate
 (明明; 显然) clearly; plainly; evidently:
  分明是强盗, 却要装圣贤。 He is obviously a gangster, but he pretends to be a saint.
  这分明是你的错。 Evidently you are in the wrong.
  分明是他错了, 你为什么怪我? It's obvious that he is wrong. Why should you blame me?




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