

字词 出头
释义 出头
 chū tóu
 (摆脱困苦) lift one's head; free oneself (from misery, persecution, etc.); see daylight:
  穷人盼出头。 The poor expect to see daylight.
 (出面, 带头) appear in public; come forward:
  教唆犯自己不出头, 专唆使青少年干坏事。 Abettors of crime put youngsters up to all sorts of evil while staying in the background themselves.
 (整数后的零头) a little over; odd:
  5米出头 five metres and a bit over; a little over five metres;
  100出头 one hundred odd;
  他30刚出头。 He's just a little over thirty.




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