

字词 出动
释义 出动
 chū dòng
 (队伍外出行动) set out; start off:
  待命出动 await orders to set out (go into action);
  小分队提前出动了。 The detachment set off ahead of schedule.
 (派出军事力量) call out; send out; dispatch:
  出动飞机20架次 fly 20 sorties;
  出动军舰 dispatch warships;
  出动伞兵参战 call out paratroops to join the battle
 (行动起来) go into action; turn out:
  全体居民出动除四害。 The whole community turned out to wipe out the four pests.
 出动机场 departure airfield(即出发机场);
 出动架次 {航空} sortie




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