

字词 出于
释义 出于
 chū yú
 start from; proceed from; stem from; out of 出于本心 from one's heart;
  出于本意 of one's own accord;
  出于不可告人的目的 actuated by ulterior motives;
  出于对同志的关怀 out of concern for one's comrades;
  出于故意 do sth. out of spite;
  出于同情 out of sympathy;
  出于好心 do out of good intentions (a good heart);
  出于好奇 merely out of curiosity;
  出于无奈 as it cannot be helped; No other course was open to (sb.).; only because one can do no better; out of sheer necessity; there being no alternative;
  出于至诚 out of utmost sincerity;(拉)ex bona fide;
  出于无意 be not intentional; act unintentionally;
  出于无知 from ignorance;
  出于责任感 proceed from a sense of duty;
  出于自卫的抗辩 plea of self-defense;
  出于自愿 on a voluntary basis; of one's own accord; do sth. of one's will;
  爱情生于情感而不是出于理智。 Love is born of heart, not mind.




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