字词 | 出 |
释义 | 出 chu 动 (用在动词后表示向外、显露或完成, 作补语) used as a complement: 从大厅里走出 come out of the hall; 看出问题 see where the problem lies; realize that there's sth. wrong; 派出代表团参加会议 send a delegation to attend a conference; 做出成绩 achieve (good) results 另见 chū。 2) 出 (齣) chū 动 (从里面到外面) go (come) out; leave: 出城 go out of town; 出院 leave hospital; 出狱 be released from prison (来到) arrive; come: 出场 come on the stage; 出席 attend; be present (超出) exceed; go beyond: 出格 go beyond the limit; 出月 after this month; next month; when the month is out; after the end of this month; 不出3年 within three years (往外拿) issue; put up: 出布告 post an announcement; put up a notice; 出主意 offer advice; supply ideas; make suggestions; 今晚比赛, 你们出谁? Who's going to play for your side in tonight's match? 有钱出钱, 有力出力。 The rich will be asked to contribute money; the strong to contribute labour. (出产; 产生) produce; turn out: 出成果 produce result; 出煤 produce coal; 出人才 turn out talents; 大连出苹果。 Dalian produces apples. 实践出真知。 Genuine knowledge comes from practice. 这个世纪出了许多大人物。 The century produces many great men. (发生) arise; happen; take place; occur: 出问题 go wrong; go amiss; 防止出事故 prevent accidents; 这事出在30年前。 It happened thirty years ago. 如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我。 If anything happens to him, let me know at once. 这事出在30年前。 It happened thirty years ago. 如果他出了什么事, 请立刻通知我。 If anything happens to him, let me know at once. 这事出在1989年。 It took place in (the year of) 1989. (出版) publish: 这本书是1990年出的。 The book was published in 1990. 这个杂志一个月出一期。 The magazine comes out once a month. (发出; 发泄) put forth; vent: 出芽 put forth buds; sprout; 出疹子 have measles; 他总是拿狗出气。 He always vents his anger on the dog. (显露) appear: 出头 appear in public (显得量多) rise well (with cooking): 这种米出饭。 This kind of rice rises well when it's cooked. (支出) pay out; expend: 量入为出 keep expenditures within the limits of income; cut one's coat according to one's cloth; 入不敷出 one's income falling short of one's expenditure; unable to make both ends meet 量 (传奇中的一大段; 戏曲的一个独立剧目) a dramatic piece: 一出戏 an opera; a play 另见 chu。 |
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