

 (靠着) lean on; lean against:
  凭栏远眺 lean on a railing and gaze into the distance
 (依靠; 依仗) rely on; depend on:
  凭险抵抗 make use of a strategic vantage point to fight back;
  我们不能仅凭着热情而用感情去代替政策。 We mustn't rely on sheer enthusiasm and substitute our personal feelings for policy.
  我们的祖先只凭双手改造自然。 Our ancestors merely made use of their hands to change nature.
 (根据) go by; base on; take as the basis:
  凭良心说 in all fairness;
  凭票付款 payable to bearer;
  你不能凭他嘴上说的就算数。 You can't take him at his word.
  你凭什么得出这个结论? What do you base this conclusion on?
  凭票入场。 Admission by ticket only.
 (证据) evidence; proof:
  文凭 diploma;
  真凭实据 ironclad evidence;
  口说无凭。 Verbal statements are no guarantee.
  以此为凭。 This will serve as certification.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  凭志 Ping Zhi
 (任凭; 不论) no matter (what, how, etc.):
  凭我们怎样劝说, 他也不听。 No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he wouldn't listen.




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