字词 | 几何 |
释义 | 几何 jǐ hé (书) (多少) how much; how many: 不知尚有几何 uncertain how much is left or how many are left (几何学) geometry 几何比 geometric proportion; 几何变换 geometric transformation; 几何变星 geometric variable; 几何不连续性 geometric discontinuity; 几何参数 geometric parameter; 几何测度论 geometric measure theory; 几何差异 disparity; 几何插值法 geometric interpolation; 几何尺 dimensioning; 几何重建 geometrical reconstruction; 几何磁阻法 geometry magneto-resistance method; 几何等螺距 constant geometrical pitch; 几何地平 {地测} geometrical horizon; 几何电容 {电工} geometric capacitance; 几何动力学 geometrodynamics; 几何对称 geometric symmetry; 几何法 geometric method; 几何反照率 geometric albedo; 几何非线性 geometrical non-linearity; 几何分布 geometric distribution; 几何概率 geometric probability; 几何刚度 geometric stiffness; 几何格 geometry lattice; 几何公差 geometric tolerances; 几何构图法 geometrography; 几何光学 geometrical optics; 几何光学近似 approximation in geometric optics; 几何关系 geometrical relationship; 几何规划 geometric programming; 几何规划法 geometric programming; 几何函数论 geometric function theory; 几何化 geometrization; 几何画 geometric drawing; 几何畸变 geometric distortion; 几何畸变校正磁铁 geometric distortion correcting magnet; 几何基础 foundation of geometry; 几何积分论 geometric integration theory; 几何级数 {数} geometric (geometrical) progression; geometric series; 几何校正 {核子} geometry correction; 几何接口 geometry interface; 几何结晶学 geometrical crystallography; 几何结晶构造定律 law of geometrical crystallography; 几何解释 geometric interpretation; 几何精确度 geometrical accuracy; 几何经度 geometric longitude; 几何均数 geometric mean; 几何亏格 geometric genus; geometric deficiency; 几何量 geometric sense; 几何路径 geometric path; 几何螺距 {航空} geometrical pitch; 几何面积 geometric area; 几何面矩 geometrical moment; moment of area; 几何面矩法 area moment method; 几何模型 geometrical model; 几何平均 geometric mean; geometric average; 几何平均距离 mean geometrical distance; 几何平均螺距 geometrical mean pitch; mean geometrical pitch; 几何平均数 geometric mean; geometrical average; 几何平均值 geometric mean; geometrical mean; 几何平均指数 geometric average index number; 几何倾角 {地测} geometrical dip; 几何曲率 geometric buckling; 几何挠度 geometric deflection; 几何深度 geometric depth; 几何声学 geometric acoustics; ray acoustics; 几何失真 geometric distortion; 几何数论 geometric number theory; 几何衰减 geometrical attenuation; 几何水准测量 levelling; 几何弹性应力集中系数 geometric elastic stress concentration factor; 几何特性 geometrical features; geometrical property; 几何天平动 geometric libration; 几何投影 geometric projection; 几何投影法 geometric projection; 几何图 geometric drawing; 几何图形 {数} geometric figure; 几何图形模拟 geometric analogy; 几何退磁因子 geometric demagnetizing factor; 几何纬度 geometric latitude; 几何位置线 geometric position line; 几何误差 geometric error; 几何系数 geometrical factor; 几何相似 geosim; geometric similarity; 几何相似泵 geometrically similar pump; 几何相似性 geometrical similarity; 几何象差 {光} geometric aberration; 几何效应(食双星) geometric effect; 几何形状 geometry; 几何形状误差 error in geometrical form; 几何延迟 geometric delay; 几何衍射理论 geometrical diffraction theory; 几何意义 geometrical significance; 几何异构 geometrical isomerism; 几何异构体 stereomer; stereomeride; 几何异构现象 geometric isomerism; rotamerism; 几何因数 geometrical factor; geometry factor; 几何因子 geometrical factor; 几何元素 geometric element; element of geometry; 几何中性面 normal neutral plane; 几何轴 geometrical axis; 几何作图 geometric construction; 几何作图法 geometrograph |
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