字词 | 冲击 |
释义 | 冲击 chōng jī (水流等撞击) lash; pound: 激流对海岸的冲击 the impact of the swift current against the shore; 海浪冲击着礁石, 飞起像珠子般的水花。 The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray. (迅猛攻击) charge; assault; dash; flewit: 对社会道德观念的冲击 a shock to the sense of a community; 向敌人阵地发起冲击 charge an enemy position {力} shock {物} ballistic {医} ictus {电} surge {机} impact; impigement 冲击摆 {等离子} ballistic (gun) pendulum; 冲击摆幅 ballistic throw; 冲击扳手 {机} impact wrench; 冲击板 impingement plate; 冲击爆震 impact detonation; 冲击变形 {地质} blastic deformation; 冲击变质作用 impact metamorphism; 冲击测量 shock measurement; 冲击乘数 {经} impact multiplier; 冲击锤磨机 {机} impact mill; 冲击磁铁 kicker magnet; 冲击脆性 impact brittleness; 冲击地震 impact earthquake; 冲击电动扳手 electric impact wrench; 冲击电抗 impulse reactance; 冲击电流 impulse (surge; dash; impact; subtransient) current; 冲击电流发生器 impulse current generator; 冲击电流计 ballistic galvanometer; quantometer; 冲击电势 impact potential; 冲击电压 surge (impulse) voltage; 冲击电压发生器 impulse voltage generator; 冲击电钻 electric impact drill; 冲击动力学 shock dynamics; 冲击锻机 impact forging machine; 冲击锻造 impact forging; 冲击断裂 impact fracture; 冲击发电机(发生器) surge generator; 冲击放电 impulsive discharge; 冲击分流器 impulse current shunt; 冲击分压器 impulse voltage divider; 冲击复合系数 impact recombination coefficient; 冲击负载 impact load; 冲击公式 impact formula; 冲击焊(法) {冶} percussive (percussion; electropercussive) welding; 冲击焊机 percussion welder; 冲击痕 percussion mark; 冲击机 impactor; jarring (shock) machine; 冲击激发 shock-excitation; 冲击挤压机 impact extrusion press; 冲击记录器 impact recorder; 冲击加工 machining by repeated impact; 冲击(波) 加热 shock heating; 冲击加速表 {航空} impact (shock) accelerometer; 冲击加速度 impact acceleration; 冲击检流计 ballistic galvanometer; 冲击角 angle of shock; 冲击静电计 ballistic electrometer; 冲击坑 astrobleme; 冲击励磁机 impact exciter; 冲击力 force of impact; impact (impulse; impulsive) force; 冲击力学 ballistics; 冲击(电量)灵敏度 Coulomb (quantity) sensitivity; 冲击留量 impact allowance; 冲击率 impingement rate; 冲击轮 impulse wheel; 冲击脉冲 shock pulse; 冲击面 shock surface; 冲击模 prod cast; 冲击模拟器 shock simulator; 冲击磨{机} impact grinding; 冲击磨损 impact wear; 冲击挠度 dynamic deflection; 冲击能 {力} impact energy (strength); 冲击能量 impact (striking) energy; 冲击扭矩 impulsive torque; 冲击扭转试验 torsion impact test; 冲击启动机 impulse starter; 冲击起水机 hydraulic ram; 冲击器 impactor; impacter; 冲击强度 impulse (impact) strength; 冲击破裂 {地质} concussion fracture; impact rupture; 冲击韧性 impact toughness (ductility); notch toughness; 冲击韧性值 notched bar impact strength; 冲击熔岩 impact melt rock; 冲击筛 impact screen; 冲击石 (岩) impactite; 冲击石化作用 shock-lithification; 冲击试件 impact test piece; 冲击试杆 {工} impact bar; 冲击试验 blow-test; falling weight test; impact (impulse; shock; drop; percussion) test; 冲击试验机 shock (testing) machine; impact tester; impact testing machine; 冲击速度 {力} impact (striking) velocity; 冲击损坏 impact failure; 冲击台 bounce table; 冲击弹性 impact elasticity; 冲击弯曲 impact bending; 冲击弯曲试验 impact (shock) bending test; 冲击温度 impact temperature; 冲击物 alluvium; 冲击吸收 snub; 冲击吸收器 shock (surge) absorber; 冲击系数 impact coefficient (factor); 冲击响应 shock response; 冲击性质 shock feature; 冲击压力 {工} surge; shock pressure; 冲击压力吸收器 shock pressure absorber; surge absorber; 冲击压强 {力} impact pressure; 冲击压缩 shock compression; 冲击应力 impact stress; 冲击硬度 impact hardness; 冲击硬度试验 impact hardness test; 冲击运动 ballistic motion; 冲击源 impulse source; 冲击载荷 impact (impulsive) load; 冲击载荷强度试验 toughness test; 冲击载荷应力 impact load stress; 冲击噪音 impact noise; 冲击振荡器 shock oscillator; 冲击值 value of impact energy; impact (resistance) value; shock value (velocity); 冲击周期 impulse period; 冲击自动记录器 impact register arrester; cupola fume collector (spark arrester); 冲击阻力 impact resistance; 冲击钻 churn (percussion) drilling; shot bit; 冲击钻机 {机} percussion drill; 冲击钻井 percussion drilling; 冲击钻具 churn drilling tools; 冲击钻孔器 jumper boring bar; 冲击钻探 percussion boring; 冲击钻探法 punching method; 冲击钻头 {机} drill hammer; chopping (percussion) bit; 冲击作用 hammering (shock) action |
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