

字词 冒尖儿
释义 冒尖儿
 mào jiānr
 (装得高出容器) piled high above the brim:
  大车上的稻草装得冒尖儿了。 The cart is piled high with straw.
 (超过一点) a little over; a little more than:
  10公斤刚冒尖儿 a little over ten kilos
 (突出) stand out; outstanding; be conspicuous:
  冒尖儿的人物 a conspicuous figure;
  怕冒尖儿 be afraid of becoming too conspicuous
 (露出苗头) begin to crop up:
  不良倾向一冒尖儿就不要放过它。 Watch out for harmful tendencies and deal with them the moment they crop up.
 (出风头) be in the limelight:
  她就爱冒尖儿。 She is in the limelight anywhere.




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