

 (向外透; 往上升) emit; give off; send out (up):
  冒汗 ooze sweat;
  冒热气 give off steam (heat);
  冒泡儿 send up (rise in) bubbles;
  机枪冒出火舌。 A tongue of fire bursts.
  泥浆从地下冒出来。 Mud oozed from underground.
  烟囱里冒着白烟。 White smoke rose from the chimneys.
 (不顾) risk; brave:
  冒生命危险 risk one's life;
  冒着风雨 brave winds and rain;
  冒嫌疑 ignore people's suspicion
 (冒失; 冒昧) boldly; rashly:
  在街上冒喊某人 boldly call sb. in the street;
  冒入会场 rashly enter the assembly hall
 (冒充) pretendedly; falsely; fraudulently:
  冒称 falsely claim;
  谨防假冒 beware of imitations
 (姓氏) a surname:
  冒致中 Mao Zhizhong
 另见 mò。
 (人名用字) a word used in a person's name另见 mào。




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