

 (供养) support; provide for:
  养家 support a family
 (饲养; 培植) raise; keep; grow:
  养蜂 keep bees;
  养花 grow flowers;
  养鸟 keep pet birds;
  养鸭 raise ducks
 (生育) give birth to:
  她养了个儿子。 She gave birth to a boy.
 (培养) form; acquire; cultivate:
  养成良好的习惯 cultivate ood habits
 (使身心得到滋补或休息, 以增进精力或恢复健康)rest; convalesce; heal; recuperate one's health:
  静养 rest quietly to recuperate; convalesce;
  养好伤 heal one's wounds;
  养身体 recuperate
 (养护) maintain; keep in good repair:
  养路 maintain a road or railway
 (毛发留长; 蓄发) wear one's hair long
 (抚养的; 非亲生的) foster; adoptive:
  养父(母) foster father (mother);
  养子 (女) adopted son (daughter)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  养由基 Yang Youji




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