

字词 关系
释义 关系
 guān xi
 (相互关系) relation; filiation; relationship; relevance; regard; ratio; tie:
  外交关系 diplomatic relations;
  血缘关系 blood relationship;
  关系紧张(疏远) relations become strained (estranged);
  中断关系 suspend relations with;
  断绝关系 break off (sever) relations with;
  恢复关系 resume relation with
 (有影响或重要性) bearing; impact; significance:
  关系重大 count for much;
  这个问题关系到一个更重要的问题。 This question has a bearing on a much more important one.
  由于时间关系, 就谈到这里吧。 Since time is limited, I'll have to stop here.
 (关联, 牵涉) concern; affect; have a bearing on; have to do with:
  农业关系国计民生极大。 Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.
 (组织关系) credentials showing membership in or connection with an organization:
  他的组织关系已经带来了。 He has brought his membership credentials with him.
  党员调动工作时, 要转党的关系。 When a Party member is transferred to another place of work, his Party credentials are sent there.
 关系表达式 relational expression;
 关系操作符 relational operator;
 关系词 relative;
 关系从句 relative clause;
 关系代词 relative pronoun;
 关系代数 relational algebra; algebra of relations;
 关系调 related key;
 关系动机型领导 relationship-motivated leadership;
 关系度 degree of relation;
 关系副词 relative adverb;
 关系符号 relational symbol; relation character;
 关系概念 {逻} relation concept;
 关系后项 {逻} postrior term of relation;
 关系记录 relation record;
 关系矩阵 relational matrix;
 关系量项 relative quantitative term;
 关系论 relationism;
 关系逻辑 logic of relations;
 关系模型 relational model;
 关系判断 relation judgment;
 关系破裂 fraction;
 关系前项 anterior term of relation;
 关系曲线 relation curve;
 关系人 {法} party;
 关系数据库 relational data base;
 关系算子 relational operator;
 关系条件 relation condition;
 关系调节 ratio control;
 关系调整器 ratio controller;
 关系推理 relation inference;
 关系完备语言 relational complete language;
 关系妄想 beziehungswahn; delusion of reference;
 关系文件 relational file;
 关系系统 relational system;
 关系协调 harmonious relations;
 关系音高 relative pitch;
 关系运算 relational calculus;
 关系运算符 relational operator;
 关系运算子 relational operator;
 关系子 relator;
 关系自动机 relational automaton




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