

 (进来或进去) enter:
  入冬以来 since winter has set in;
  入境 enter a country;
  投入更多人力 throw in more manpower;
  非公莫入。 No admittance except on business.
  长江流入东海。 The Changjiang River empties into the Donghai Sea.
  火车进入隧道。 The train entered a tunnel.
  上天无路,入地无门。 There is no path to Heaven one can go, no door to Earth that one can enter.
 (参加) join; be admitted into; become a member of:
  入伍 enlist in the armed forces;
  第二年他入了党。 In the following year he joined the Communist Party.
 (合乎) conform to; agree with:
  入时 fashionable;à la mode
 (收入) income; means:
  岁入 annual income
  {语} (入声) entering tone




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