

字词 光电
释义 光电
 guāng diàn
 {物} photoelectricity
 光电报警器 photoelectric alarm;
 光电倍加管 photomultiplier;
 光电倍增管 {电子} electron-multiplier phototube; multiplier phototube; photoelectric electron-multiplier tube; photomultiplier; photomultiplier tube;
 光电倍增(管)计数器 {电子} photomultiplier counter;
 光电倍增晶体管 {电子} photomultiplier cell;
 光电倍增器 photomultiplier; photoelectric multiplier; photomultiplier cell;
 光电倍增行波管 multiplier traveling-wave phototube (MTWP);
 光电比测器 photoelectric comparator;
 光电比较仪 electronic optical comparator; photoelectric comparator;
 光电比色分析法 {分化} photoelectric colorimetry;
 光电比色高温计 radiation pyrometer;
 光电比色计 {工} optimeter; photoelectric(al) colorimeter; photoelectrometer; photolometer;
 光电编码盘 photoelectric coded disk;
 光电编码器 photoelectric encoder;
 光电变阻器 {电子} photovaristor;
 光电表 photoelectric meter;
 光电波形发生器 photoformer;
 光电材料 photoelectric material;
 光电参量(数) photoelectric parameter;
 光电测尘器 photoelectric dust meter;
 光电测光 {天} photoelectric photometry;
 光电测角计 photogoniometer;
 光电测距 electro-optical distance measurment;
 光电测距仪 geodimeter;
 光电测量仪 photoelectric measuring instrument;
 光电测色计 photoelectric colorimeter;
 光电常数 {物} photoelectric constant;
 光电尘粒计数器 dust counter with light scattering method;
 光电储存器 optoelectronic memory; optical storage; photoelectric storage;
 光电传感器 photoelectric sensor; photosensor;
 光电传感头 photohead; light head;
 光电穿孔带 photo-tape;
 光电(穿孔)带读出器 photoelectric tape reader; photo-tape reader;
 光电存储器 photoelectric storage; photomemory; optical storage;
 光电磁敏元件 photoelectro-magnetic element;
 光电导航信号发射机 transmityper;
 光电导体 photoconductor;
 光电导限 photoconduction limit;
 光电倒效应 inverse photoelectric effect;
 光电等高仪 photoelectric astrolabe;
 光电地震仪 photoelectric seismometer;
 光电电话 phototelephony;
 光电(电)流 photocurrent;
 光电电流表 photoammeter;
 光电电流计 photoelectric galvanometer;
 光电电路 photoelectric circuit;
 光电电势计 photoelectric potentiometer;
 光电电位计 photoelectric potentiometer;
 光电电位器 photopotentiometer;
 光电雕刻 photoelectric engraving;
 光电定律 law of photoelectricity;
 光电定位控制 {控} photoelectric register control;
 光电定位照相排字机 photoelectric positioning photosetter;
 光电(式)读出 photoelectric reading;
 光电读出标记 photo sensing marker;
 光电读出器 photoreader; photoelectric reader;
 光电读取机 optical recognition device;
 光电读数 photoelectric reading; photoelectric sensing; photoreading;
 光电读数系统 photoelectric translating system;
 光电读数装置 photoelectric reading device;
 光电读像仪 iconolog;
 光电对抗 photoelectronic warfare;
 光电二极管 photod; photodiode; photorectifier;
 光电二极管检波器 photodiode detector;
 光电发报机 photoelectric telegraph transmitter;
 光电发生器 photocurrent generator;
 光电发送器 photoelectric sender;
 光电法 photoelectric method;
 光电防盗报警器 {电子} photoelectric intrusion detector;
 光电放大电路 photoamplifier circuit;
 光电放大器 optic amplifier; photoelectric amplifier; photoamplifier;
 光电放音头 {电子} head;
 光电反射计 {工} photoelectric reflectometer;
 光电分拣器 photoelectric sorter;
 光电分类器 {控} photoelectric sorter;
 光电分离机 electronic colour separator;
 光电分选机 photometric sorter;
 光电分子 electrogen;
 光电峰 photopeak;
 光电峰值波长 wavelength of maximum photocurrent;
 光电伏打效应 {电子} photovoltaic effect;
 光电高温计 photoeletric pyrometer; rayotube; optical pyrometer;
 光电隔离器 photoisolator;
 光电跟线气割机 automatic line following gas cutter;
 光电光波比长仪 photoelectric interferometric comparator;
 光电光波干涉仪 photoelectric wavelength interferometer;
 光电光度测量法 {光} photoelectric photometry;
 光电光度计 {工} electronic photometer; photoelectric photometer; electrophotometer;
 光电光度术 photoelectric photometry;
 光电光度学 electrophotometry;
 光电功率变换器 photoelectric power converter;
 光电功率发生器 optoelectronic power generator;
 光电函数发生器 {讯} photoformer; photoelectric function generator;
 光电互变 phototropy;
 光电化学效应 photo-electrochemical effect;
 光电绘图系统 Geospace;
 光电混频实验 photoelectric mixing experiment;
 光电活度 photoresponse;
 光电火焰-故障探测器 {控} photoelectric flame-failure detector;
 光电火焰调节器 magic eye flame control;
 光电积分器 photoelectric integrator;
 光电计 photoelectrometer;
 光电计数器 photoelectric counter;
 光电记录器 photoelectric recorder;
 光电继电器 photoelectric relay; photoswitch;
 光电继电器装置 radiovisor;
 光电加工 photofabrication;
 光电监视器 radiovisor;
 光电检波器 photorectifier;
 光电检测标志 photo-sensing marker;
 光电检测器 photoelectric detector;
 光电检索 optical information retireval;
 光电接收器 {工} photoelectric receiver;
 光电晶体管 phototransistor; phototriode; photistor; photoduodiode;
 光电经纬仪 electro-optic theodolite;
 光电矩阵存储器 optoelectronic matrix memory;
 光电开关 optoelectronic switch;
 光电开门器 {控} photoelectric door opener;
 光电可控器件 photoelectric controlling device;
 光电刻图 photoelectric scribing;
 光电控制 {电子} photoelectric control; light-ray control;
 光电控制器 photoelectric controller;
 光电亮度 photoelectric brightness;
 光电灵敏度 photocell sensitivity; photoresponse;
 光电六分仪 photoelectric sextant;
 光电(控)脉冲 photoimpact; photoelectric pulse;
 光电脉冲放大器 optoelectronic pulse amplifier;
 光电密度计 {工} photoelectric densitometer;
 光电敏化 photoelectric sensitization;
 光电耦合 photoelectrical coupling;
 光电耦合器 photoelectric coupler; photocoupler;
 光电碰撞 photoelectric encounter;
 光电疲乏 photoelectric fatigue;
 光电偏振计 photoelectric polarimeter;
 光电平衡电势计 photoelectrically balanced potentiometer;
 光电平衡滑线式电势计 photoelectrically balanced slide-wire potentiometer;
 光电旗形开关 light-sensitive flag switch;
 光电切断点控制 {电子} photoelectric cut-off register control;
 光电三极管 phototriode;
 光电色度计 photoelectric colorimeter;
 光电摄像管 {电子} emitron; iconoscope tube; ico; image photocell; supereriscope; supericonoscope; eriscope; iconoscope; storage camera; storage-type camera tube; eikonoscope;
 光电摄像机 emitron camera;
 光电设备 optoelectronic device;
 光电时滞 time lag of photoelectric emission;
 光电输入 photoelectronic input;
 光电输入机 photoelectric reader; photoreader;
 光电数据存储 optoelectronic data storage;
 光电数字逻辑系统 optoelectronic digital logic;
 光电双狭缝干涉仪 photoelectric double-slit interferometer;
 光电速测仪 electro-optic tacheometer;
 光电速调管 photoklystron;
 光电随动系统 photoelectric follow-up;
 光电太阳能电池 photovoltaic solar cells;
 光电探伤仪 photoelectric scanner;
 光电特性 photoelectric characteristic; current-luminous flux characteristic;
 光电调节器 photoelectric regulator;
 光电调制器 electrooptic modulator;
 光电透镜摄像机 electroplane camera;
 光电透射计 photoelectric transmissometer;
 光电图像变换管 image converter;
 光电析色器 photoelectric color analyser;
 光电析像管 iconoscope; ico;
 光电吸收 photoelectric absorption;
 光电吸收分析法 {分化} photoelectric absorption analysis;
 光电显微镜 photoelectric microscope;
 光电显像管 photoelectric viewing tube; storage camera;
 光电现象 {电子} photoelectricity; photoelectric effect; photoelectric process; photoelectric phenomenon;
 光电线切割 photoelectric wire-electrode cutting;
 光电效率 photoelectric efficiency;
 光电信号发送机 transmityper (导航用);
 光电信号发生器 photo-generator;
 光电星等 photoelectrical magnitude;
 光电星等序 photoelectric sequence;
 光电行波管 travelling wave phototube;
 光电性能 photoelectric properties;
 光电选矿 photoelectric separation;
 光电选矿机 photoelectric separator;
 光电学 photoelectricity; photo-electricity;
 光电讯号发生器 photogenerator;
 光电烟尘计 photoelectric smoke meter;
 光电烟密度控制器 {控} photoelectric smoke-density control;
 光电烟色表 photocell type smokemeter;
 光电延伸计 photoelectric extensometer;
 光电阳极 photo cathode;
 光电液体分析仪 photelometer;
 光电液位指示器 {工} photoelectric liquid-level indicator;
 光电移位寄存器 optoelectronic shift register;
 光电阴极 photocathode; photosensitive cathode;
 光电阴极材料 photoelectric cathode materials;
 光电阴极效率 efficiency of photocathode;
 光电荧光计 photofluorometer;
 光电硬度计 photoelectric scleroscope;
 光电邮件地址识别机 optical-electronic mail address recognizer;
 光电阈 photoelectric threshold;
 光电元件 photoelectric element; photounit; light cell;
 光电阅读器 photoreader; photoelectric reader;
 光电载流子 photocurrent carrier;
 光电噪声抑制器 optoelectronic noise rejector;
 光电闸流管 photothyristor;
 光电照明控制 {电子} photoelectric lighting control;
 光电斩波器 photoelectric chopper;
 光电遮断器 photo interrupter;
 光电整流器 photorectifier;
 光电直读光谱仪 photo-electric direct reading spectrometer;
 光电指示器 photoelectric indicator;
 光电纸带输入机 photoelectric paper tape reader; optical tape reader;
 光电制导 photoelectric guidance;
 光电制图 photodrawing;
 光电中星仪 photoelectric transit instrument;
 光电钟 photoelectric clock;
 光电铸版 photo-electro-type;
 光电转换开关 optoelectronic multiplex switch;
 光电转换特性 light transfer characteristic;
 光电转速计 photoelectric tachometer;
 光电浊度计 {工} photoelectric turbidimeter; photonephelometer




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