

 (迷信的人指人死后的灵魂) spirit; apparition; ghost:
  据说这所房子里常闹鬼。 They say ghosts haunt this house.
  他那副样子好像见到鬼了。 He looked as if he had seen a spirit (ghost).
  我不信鬼。 I don't believe in ghosts.
  召鬼容易驱鬼难。 It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him.
 (称有不良嗜好或行为使人厌恶的人) used to form a term of abuse for ignoble character:
  死鬼 you damn fool;
  懒鬼 lazy bones;
  酒鬼 drunkard;
  色鬼 satyr;
  胆小鬼 coward;
  冒失鬼 madcap
 (称逗人喜爱的人) fellow:
  小鬼 little devil;
  机灵鬼儿 a clever child
 (不可告人的打算或勾当) sinister plot; dirty trick:
  捣鬼 play tricks; do mischief;
  心里有鬼 have a guilty conscience; harbour some gulity secret
 (二十八宿之一) Gui, one of the lunar mansions
 (姓氏) a surname:
  鬼臾区 Gui Yuqu
 (躲躲闪闪; 不光明) evasive; stealthy; surreptitious; tricky; deceitful, mischievous:
  鬼头鬼脑 secretive; furtive
 (恶劣; 糟糕) terrible; bad; harsh; vile:
  鬼地方 a damnable place;
  鬼天气 vile (terrible) weather
  (口) (机灵) clever; crafty; smart:
  鬼机伶儿 devilishly clever;
  这孩子真鬼。 This boy is very clever.




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