

字词 高频
释义 高频
 gāo pín
 high frequency:
  超高频 ultra high frequency (UHF);
  甚高频 very high frequency (VHF)
 高频安培计 high-frequency ammeter;
 高频包络失真 HF envelope distortion; radio frequency envelope distortion;
 高频保安器盘 high-frequency protector panel;
 高频保护装置 carrier current protection;
 高频饱和扼流圈 HF saturable reactor; HF saturable choke;
 高频逼真度 brilliance; high-frequency brillinace;
 高频变换器 high-frequency converter;
 高频变压器 high-frequency transformer;
 高频标准振动装置 high-frequency standard vibration generator;
 高频表面淬火 high-frequency surface hardening;
 高频波 high-frequency waves;
 高频补偿 high-frequency compensation; high boost;
 高频部件 high-frequency unit;
 高频操纵 high-frequency control;
 高频参数 {半} high-frequency parameter;
 高频测量仪器 HF measuring instrument;
 高频测试架 high-frequency test bay;
 高频测试装置 high-frequency testing apparatus;
 高频测向 high-frequency direction finding;
 高频测向器 high-frequency direction finder;
 高频颤动 dither; buzz;
 高频颤动臂 dither arm;
 高频颤动电动机 dither motor;
 高频重组 high-frequency of recombination;
 高频重组菌株 high-frequency recombination strain;
 高频处理 high-frequency treatment;
 高频传布 {讯} high-frequency propagation;
 高频传导 high-frequency transduction;
 高频传输线 high-frequency transmission line;
 高频磁化率 high-frequency susceptibility;
 高频磁芯 high-frequency magnetic core;
 高频磁芯线 HF coil with core;
 高频瓷 high-frequency porcelain;
 高频瓷介电容器 high-frequency ceramic capacitor;
 高频淬火 induction hardening; high-frequency hardening; high-frequency quenching; hardening by high-frequency current; high-frequency induction hardening;
 高频大功率电阻器 high-frequency power resistor;
 高频等离子熔融 plasma smelting;
 高频等离子体 high-frequency plasma;
 高频滴定法 {分化} high-frequency titration;
 高频地震法 high-frequency seismic survey;
 高频电波传播 propagation of high frequency (HF) radio wave;
 高频电磁线 hilz wire;
 高频电刀手术 electrotomy;
 高频电焊 high-frequency welding;
 高频电荷激励 {半} high-frequency charge drive;
 高频电话通道 high-frequency telephone channel;
 高频电火花加工 high-frequency electric spark machining;
 高频电火花离子源 high-frequency spark ionization ion source;
 高频电解质 high-frequency dielectric;
 高频电抗器 {电子} radio-frequency reactor;
 高频电缆 high-frequency cable;
 高频电疗法 oudinization; arsonvalization;
 高频电炉 high-frequency furnace;
 高频电路 high-frequency circuit; radio circuit;
 高频电桥 high-frequency bridge;
 高频电热模塑法 heatronic moulding;
 高频电容传声器 high-frequency capacitance microphone;
 高频电容计量 high=frequency capacitance measurement;
 高频电容器 high=frequency capacitor; radio-frequency capacitor;
 高频电容器瓷 high-frequency capacitor ceramics;
 高频电位器 high-frequency potentiometer;
 高频电压敏电阻器 high frequency varistor;
 高频电源 high-frequency electric source;
 高频电源水银灯 Meggers lamp;
 高频电子管振荡器 high-frequency valve oscillator;
 高频电阻 alternating-current resistance; effective resistance; high-frequency resistance; {电工} radiofrequency resistance;
 高频电阻淬火 high-frequency resistance hardening;
 高频电阻器 high-frequency resistor;
 高频堵漏 high-frequency plug;
 高频镀铬法 Hausner process;
 高频对称电缆 high-frequency symmetrical cable;
 高频多路通信 high-frequency multiplex communication;
 高频多谐振荡器 high-frequency flip-flop;
 高频扼流圈 high-frequency choke coil; radio-frequency choke;
 高频二极管 high-frequency diode;
 高频发电机 ultrasonic-frequency rotory generator; alternator transmitter;
 高频发热电极 applicator;
 高频发射管 vapotron;
 高频发生器 {电子} radio-frequency generator;
 高频发生装置 high-frequency generating apparatus;
 高频反馈 HF feedback; RF feedback;
 高频方向保护装置 high-frequency orientation protector;
 高频放大 high-frequency amplification;
 高频放大管 high-frequency amplifier tube; HF amplifier tube;
 高频放大器 high-frequency amplifier; radio-frequency amplifier; radio amplifier;
 高频放电 high-frequency discharge;
 高频放电管 high-frequency discharge lamp;
 高频分量 high-frequency component; highs;
 高频分线 high-frequency terminal box;
 高频峰化电路 high peaking circuit;
 高频蜂鸣器 high-frequency buzzer;
 高频伏特计 high frequency voltmeter;
 高频干扰 high-frequency interference;
 高频干燥(法) high-frequency drying;
 高频干燥炉 high-frequency drying stove;
 高频感应电炉 high-frequency induction furnace;
 高频感应焊机 high-frequency induction welder;
 高频感应焊接 high-frequency induction welding;
 高频感应加热表面淬火 surface hardening by induction heating with high-frequency current;
 高频感应加热淬火 high-frequency induction quenching;
 高频感应加热电解槽 high-frequency induction-heated cell;
 高频感应炉 Efco-Northrup furnace; {冶} high-frequency induction furnace;
 高频感应圈 high-frequency induction coil;
 高频感应线 radio-frequency induction coil;
 高频高压测量 high-frequency high-tension measurement;
 高频高压电源蔽罩 dog house;
 高频高压加速器 dynamitron;
 高频功率 high-frequency power;
 高频功率测量法 high-frequency power measuring method;
 高频功率发生器 high-frequency power generator;
 高频管 high-frequency tube;
 高频光电导法 method of high-frequency photoconductivity;
 高频焊 ratio-frequency welding;
 高频焊机 high-frequency induction welder;
 高频焊接 high-frequency dielectric welding; high-frequency welding; radio-frequency welding; high-frequency soldering;
 高频烘烤 dielectric drying;
 高频烘芯炉 dielectric core oven;
 高频火花检漏仪 high-frequency spark leak detector;
 高频畸变 high-frequency distortion;
 高频级 high-frequency stage;
 高频极谱法 high-frequency polarography;
 高频继电器 high-frequency relay; RF switching relay;
 高频检波器 rectifier;
 高频溅射 high-frequency sputtering;
 高频溅射设备 high-frequency sputtering equipment;
 高频胶合 radio frequency gluing;
 高频交流发电机 high-frequency alternator;
 高频校正线 high-frequency correcting coil;
 高频绞合线 high frequency Litz wire;
 高频接插件 high-frequency connector;
 高频接触焊 high-frequency resistance welding;
 高频截止 high-frequency cut-off;
 高频解调器 rectifier;
 高频介电分离仪 high-frequency medium electric separator;
 高频晶体管 high-frequency transistor;
 高频晶体滤波器 high frequency crystal filter;
 高频局部加热淬火法 {冶} Tocco process;
 高频开关 HF switch; RF switch;
 高频抗线 high-frequency choke;
 高频可控硅 high-frequency thyristor;
 高频馈路 high-frequency feeder;
 高频拉压疲劳试验机 high-frequency push-pull fatigue tester;
 高频雷达 HF radar;
 高频离子源 high-frequency ion source;
 高频李兹线 high frequency Litz wire;
 高频连接器 high-frequency connectors;
 高频灵敏时间控制 HF sensitivity time control;
 高频炉 high-frequency furnace; coreless-type induction furnace;
 高频炉法 high-frequency process;
 高频脉冲 high-frequency impulse;
 高频脉冲包络 HF pulse envelope; RF pulse envelope;
 高频脉冲频谱 HF pulse spectrum; RF pulse spectrum;
 高频脉动 dither;
 高频扭转疲劳试验机 high-frequency torque fatigue tester;
 高频浓度计 high-frequency concentration meter;
 高频耦合 doorknob;
 高频耦合电容器 carrier coupling capacitor;
 高频疲劳 high-cycle fatigue;
 高频偏磁 high-frequency bias;
 高频偏压 high-frequency bias;
 高频品质因数 high-frequency figure of merit;
 高频谱计 {核子} radio-frequency spectrometer;
 高频塞 high-frequency plug; HF plug;
 高频塞孔 high-frequency jack;
 高频三极管 {电子} high-frequency triode;
 高频三极管振荡器 high-frequency triode oscillator;
 高频散焦 HF defocusing; RF defocusing;
 高频烧成炉 high frequency firing furnace;
 高频失真 high frequency distortion;
 高频失真仪 high-frequency distortion meter; high-frequency distortion finder;
 高频示波器 ondograph; high frequency oscillograph;
 高频适应器 radio frequency adapter;
 高频手表 high-frequency watch;
 高频手术刀 radio knife;
 高频输出表 HF output meter;
 高频双极晶体管 high-frequency bipolar transistor;
 高频水分测定器 high-frequency moisture;
 高频四极管 high-frequency tetrode;
 高频塑料热合机 high-frequency plastic welder;
 高频探伤法 high-frequency flaw detection method;
 高频探头(针) high frequency probe;
 高频陶瓷 high-frequency ceramic; radio ceramics;
 高频陶瓷滤波器 high-frequency ceramic filter;
 高频特性 high-frequency characteristics;
 高频替代法 HF substitution method; RF substitution method;
 高频天波场强 HF sky wave field strength;
 高频天线 high frequency antenna;
 高频调谐线 high-frequency tuning coil;
 高频调制 high-frequency modulation;
 高频调制法 HF modulation method;
 高频铁 high-frequency iron;
 高频铁芯 high-frequency (iron) core;
 高频铁粉芯 magicore;
 高频同轴电缆 coaxial cable for high frequency;
 高频头 tuner;
 高频瓦特计 high-frequency wattmeter;
 高频微伏表 high-frequency microvoltmeter;
 高频微调电容器 high-frequency trimmer;
 高频五极管 high-frequency pentode;
 高频吸收器(装置) high-frequency absorber;
 高频系统 radio frequency system;
 高频线调度架 high-frequency line and patching bay;
 高频线 high-frequency coil; radio-frequency coil;
 高频线电阻器 high-frequency wire-wound resistor;
 高频响应 high-frequency response;
 高频响应传感器 high-frequency response pick-up;
 高频效应 high-frequency effects;
 高频泄漏 HF leakage; RF leakage;
 高频信号标准 high frequency signal standard;
 高频信号发送器 high-frequency (HF) signal generator;
 高频选矿 high-frequency separation;
 高频选矿机 high-frequency separator;
 高频选择法(性) high-frequency selectivity;
 高频压力指示器 high-frequency pressure indicator;
 高频扬声器 tweeter;
 高频遥测系统 high-frequency telemetering system;
 高频优值 {半} high-frequency figure of merit;
 高频仪 high-frequency gauge;
 高频仪表 high-frequency instrument;
 高频抑制 HF rejection;
 高频预热 {工} radio-frequency preheating;
 高频预选滤波器 preselector;
 高频约束 {等离子} high-frequency confinement (HF confinement);
 高频杂音试验 high-frequency cracks test;
 高频载波 high-frequency carrier; radio-frequency carrier;
 高频载波电报 high-frequency carrier telegraphy;
 高频载波系统 high-frequency carrier system;
 高频凿岩 high-frequency drilling;
 高频凿岩机 high-frequency rock drill;
 高频噪声 high-frequency noise;
 高频增益降 {半} high-frequency gain fall;
 高频增益提高电路 high peaker;
 高频振荡 higher-order of oscillation; high-frequency oscillation;
 高频振荡器 high-frequency generator; HF oscillator (HFO); high-frequency oscillator; radio-frequency oscillator;
 高频振荡燃烧 screeching combustion;
 高频振动 dither; higher-mode vibration;
 高频振动用电动机 dither motor;
 高频质谱仪 mass synchrometer; omegatron;
 高频中继配线架 {讯} high-frequency repeater distribution frame;
 高频终端架 high-frequency terminal bay;
 高频种子处理 radio-frequency field treatment of seeds;
 高频转移 high-frequency transfer;
 高频阻抗测量 high-frequency impedance measurement;
 高频阻流圈 HF choke; radio-frequency choke




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