

字词 高速
释义 高速
 gāo sù
 (高速度) high speed; high velocity (HV); high rate; swift; fast; express; high-speed:
  高速发展 develop by leaps and bounds; develop at top speed;
  高速前进 advance at high speed
 高速八版轮转印刷机 high-speed rotary press;
 高速刨床 high-speed planer; high-speed planing machine;
 高速泵 express pump; high-speed pump;
 高速播种机 high-speed planter;
 高速播种开沟器 high-speed boot;
 高速波 fast wave;
 高速操纵 high-speed handling;
 高速测光 high-speed photometry;
 高速层 high-speed layer;
 高速柴油 high-speed diesel fuel;
 高速柴油机 high-speed diesel engine;
 高速车 speed car;
 高速车床 speed lathe; high-speed lathe;
 高速车刀 high-speed turning tool;
 高速(快)车道 speedway;
 高速车辆 hot-short;
 高速尘卷 (埃及) zobaa;
 高速成形 high-rate forming; high-speed forming; high-velocity forming;
 高速成形机 high-energy-rate forming machine;
 高速成形模具 high-velocity forming die;
 高速乘法 high-speed multiplication;
 高速乘法器 high-speed multiplier;
 高速齿轮 high gear; high-speed gear; top gear;
 高速重合 high-speed reclosing;
 高速抽气装置 high-speed pumping unit;
 高速传输 high-speed transmission;
 高速传真 high-speed facsimile;
 高速串联断路法 high-speed series tripping;
 高速锤 Petro-forge;
 高速磁鼓 high-speed drum;
 高速粗切削车床 hogger;
 高速脆性 high-speed brittleness;
 高速存储器 high-speed memory; high-speed storage;
 高速存取 zero access;
 高速存取循环 rapid access loop;
 高速打印 flying print;
 高速打印机 {自} high-speed printer (HSP);
 高速打印字机 high speed type; high-speed printer;
 高速带 hyper tape;
 高速档 top gear; high gear;
 高速刀具 high-speed cutter;
 高速道路 super expressway;
 高速等静压制 high-speed isostatic pressing;
 高速低飞航空摄影 dicing;
 高速电动机 high-speed motor;
 高速电机 high-speed electric machine;
 高速电力机车 electric express locomotive; electric high-speed locomotive;
 高速电视摄影管 resisticon;
 高速电影摄影 rapid cinematography;
 高速动平衡 high-speed balancing;
 高速读卡机 high-speed card reader;
 高速读数方式(系统) high speed reading system;
 高速镀 high-speed plating;
 高速锻造 high-velocity forging;
 高速锻造法 high-impact-velocity forging;
 高速断路器 high-speed circuit breaker; {电工} quick-break switch;
 高速多刀复刃切削法 high-speed and multi-tool cutting method;
 高速发电机 high-speed engine; high-speed generator;
 高速发射装置 hypervelocity launcher;
 高速阀 fast valve;
 高速飞机 hot-short; hotshot; (口) peppycrate;
 高速飞行 high-speed flight;
 高速分拣机 highspeed sorters;
 高速粉磨机 high-speed pulverizer;
 高速风洞 {航空} high-speed wind tunnel;
 高速符合电路 fast coincidence circuit;
 高速辅助存储器 {计} cache;
 高速高反差乳剂 high-speed contrast emulsion;
 高速高能锻造法 Dynapak method;
 高速隔离开关 high-speed disconnecting switch;
 高速工具钢 high-speed tool steel; rapid tool steel;
 高速公路 expressway; freeway; autobann; super highway; (南) autoput; (西) autopista;
 高速鼓包 {航空} speed bulges;
 高速辊式破碎机 high-speed rolls;
 高速滚削 high-speed hobbing;
 高速过滤 high-rate filtration;
 高速行式打印机 high speed line printer;
 高速红外辐射计 high-speed infrared radiometer;
 高速环 high-speed loop;
 高速缓冲存储器 cache memory; cache;
 高速缓冲存储系统 cache memory system;
 高速缓冲寄存器 cache register; high-speed buffer register; cache; cache buffer memory; cache memory; {自} high-speed cache memory;
 高速机车 express locomotive;
 高速机床 high-speed machine tool;
 高速机构 high-speed mechanism;
 高速机头 high-speed handpiece;
 高速机翼 high-speed wings;
 高速机载火箭 high velocity aircraft rocket;
 高速挤压 high-speed extrusion;
 高速计数 high-speed counting;
 高速计数电路 high-speed counting circuit;
 高速计数器 high-speed counter;
 高速计算机 high-speed accounting machine; high speed computer;
 高速计算能力 high-speed computational capability;
 高速记录 high-speed record; histogram record;
 高速记录示波器 high-speed oscilloscope;
 高速继电器 {讯} fast-acting relay; fast relay; high-speed relay;
 高速寄存器 high-speed register;
 高速加法器 high-speed adder;
 高速剪断 high-speed cropping;
 高速减压阀 high-speed reducing valve;
 高速进位 high-speed carry; standing-on-nines carry;
 高速进位方式 high-speed carry;
 高速进位电路 high-speed carry circuit;
 高速距离继电器 high-speed distance relay;
 高速开关 speed-sensitive switch;
 高速开卷机 biflaker;
 高速客运列车 bullet train (日本的);
 高速空气动力学 high-speed aerodynamics;
 高速空气调节系统 high velocity air conditioning;
 高速控制器 high-speed controller;
 高速冷轧管机 high-speed cold Pilger mill;
 高速犁 high-speed plough;
 高速犁体 hi-bottom; high-speed bottom;
 高速离合器 high-speed clutch;
 高速离心机 {机} supercentrifuge;
 高速励磁机 high-speed exciter;
 高速励磁系统 {电工} high-speed excitation system;
 高速粒子减速器 spirotron;
 高速粒子侵蚀试验 high speed particles erosion test;
 高速力学 high speed mechanics;
 高速列车 rapid trains;
 高速流出 outrush;
 高速率 two-forty;
 高速螺纹切削附件 high-speed thread cutting attachment;
 高速螺旋钻 {设计} fast-spiral drill; high-helix drill;
 高速描绘器 high-speed plotter;
 高速摩擦锯 cold saw;
 高速模拟计算机 high-speed analogue computer;
 高速模-数转换器 high-speed AD converter;
 高速磨合 rapid seating (of piston ring);
 高速磨削 high-speed grinding;
 高速磨削砂轮 high-speed grinding wheel;
 高速牛滑脂 high-speed grease;
 高速牛头刨床 high-speed shaping machine;
 高速拍发 high-speed transmission;
 高速跑道赛 speed way meeting;
 高速炮 high-velocity gun;
 高速喷雾机 speed sprayer;
 高速碰撞 high velocity impact;
 高速皮托管 high-speed Pitot tube;
 高速启动 high-speed starting;
 高速气动工具 high-speed pneumatic tool;
 高速气流防护设备 high airspeed protector;
 高速切割器 high-speed knife;
 高速切削 high-speed cutting; quick-cutting;
 高速切削刀 fly-cutter;
 高速切削法 high-speed metal cutting;
 高速切削钢 shear-steel; free cutting steel;
 高速切削黄铜 high-speed brass;
 高速燃烧 high-velocity combustion;
 高速热压机 high-speed hot press;
 高速扫掠 high-speed sweep;
 高速扫描 high-velocity scanning; high-speed sweep;
 高速摄影 high-speed photography;
 高速摄影光学系统 high-speed photographic optical system;
 高速摄影机 high-speed motion picture camera;
 高速射流 high-speed jet;
 高速射流机加工 high-velocity liquid jet machining;
 高速失步继电器 high-speed step out relay;
 高速时滞反应 jet leg;
 高速示波器 {电子} high-speed oscilloscope; high-speed oscillograph;
 高速试验方法 high-speed testing technique;
 高速收发报 high speed radio message transmission and reception;
 高速手压台钻 sensitive bench drill;
 高速手压钻机 sensitive drill;
 高速输送器 high-speed conveyer;
 高速数据采集系统 {自} high-speed data acquisition system;
 高速数据集合 high-speed data acquisition;
 高速数字 high-speed figure;
 高速数字传输系统 high-speed digital transmission system;
 高速数字集成电路 high-speed digital integrated circuit;
 高速数字计数器 high-speed numerical counter;
 高速数字计算机 high-speed digital computer; high-speed digital counter;
 高速双稳态触发器 high-speed flip-flop;
 高速水池 high-speed tank;
 高速伺服电动机 high-speed servo motor;
 高速台钻 high-speed bench drilling machine;
 高速调节器 high-speed regulator;
 高速调节器及柄式安全阀 high-speed controller and lever safety valve;
 高速调整 high-speed adjustment;
 高速铁路 rapid transit railway;
 高速艇 high-speed boat;
 高速通道 high-speed channel;
 高速通气法 high rate aerotion process;
 高速凸轮机构 high-speed cam mechanism;
 高速拖网作业 high-speed trawling;
 高速弯曲力矩 high-speed bending moment;
 高速万能车床 high-speed universal lathe;
 高速微波功率开关 multipactor;
 高速铣床 high-speed milling machine;
 高速铣工附件 high-speed milling attachment;
 高速系数 high-speed coefficient;
 高速显影 rapid development;
 高速显字管 compositron;
 高速响应 high-speed response;
 高速相变 high-speed phase change;
 高速星 {天} high velocity star;
 高速行驶 scorch;
 高速旋转 vertiginate;
 高速旋转接头 high-speed joint;
 高速选择通道 high-speed selector channel;
 高速压力机 high-speed blanking press; high-speed press;
 高速压实 high-speed compaction (用于粉末冶金);
 高速牙钻 high-speed dental drill;
 高速液相色谱法 high-speed liquid chromatography;
 高速液压锤 high-speed hydraulic hammer;
 高速液压软管接管机 high-speed hydraulic hose coupling machine;
 高速阴极射线印刷机 videograph;
 高速印片机 high-speed printing machine;
 高速印刷机 high-speed press; high-speed printer;
 高速印刷装置 high speed printer;
 高速油路 high-speed circuit;
 高速圆盘锯 saw;
 高速阅读器 high-speed reader;
 高速运算放大器 high speed operation amplifier;
 高速运转系数 type characteristic;
 高速暂存存储器 scratch pad memory; scratch pad storage;
 高速增殖反应堆 fast breeder; fast-breeder reactor;
 高速轧机 fast mill;
 高速轧制 high-speed rolling;
 高速照相(术) high-speed photography;
 高速照相技术 high-speed photographic technique;
 高速针阀 high-speed needle valve;
 高速振动剪床 vibroshear;
 高速振动筛 high-speed oscillating sieve;
 高速蒸气机 {工} high-speed steam-engine;
 高速直线滑雪者 schussboomer;
 高速指示器 high-speed indicator;
 高速纸带穿孔机 high-speed tape punch;
 高速制动器 high-speed brake;
 高速中耕铲 tractor sweep;
 高速中子 fast neutron;
 高速中子反应堆 fast neutron reactor;
 高速轴承 high-speed bearing;
 高速转速计 top drive tachometer;
 高速转弯 tempo turn;
 高速转向架 high-speed bogie;
 高速锥 upper speed cone;
 高速字标管 typotron; typetron;
 高速自动断路器 quick-acting automatic switch;
 高速自动压床 high-speed automatic press;
 高速自动织机 high-speed automatic loom;
 高速总线 high-speed bus;
 高速钻床 high-speed drilling machine; speed drilling machine;
 高速钻机 {机} high speed machine; high-speed drill;
 高速钻孔附件 high-speed drilling attachment




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