

字词 高级
释义 高级
 gāo jí
 (阶段、级别达到一定高度的) senior; high-ranking; high-level; high; superb; higher; high stage:
  高级委员会 high commission;
  高级官员 high-ranking official;
  高级专员 high commissioner;
  高级将领 high-ranking general officers;
  高级酒店 luxurious hotel;
  高级参谋 senior staff officer;
  高级常务董事 senior managing director;
  高级讲师 senior lecturer; reader;
  高级旅馆 grand hotel
 (质量、水平超过一般的) high-grade; top grade; high-quality; advanced:
  高级读本 advanced reader;
  这个旅馆真高级! This hotel is really first-class.
 高级巴比特合金 majestic babbitt alloy;
 高级白板纸 ivory;
 高级百货商店 hypermarket;
 高级薄花呢 delaine;
 高级薄呢 royal cashmere;
 高级报纸 quality paper;
 高级变址 high level index;
 高级兵种训练 {军} advanced branch training;
 高级程序员 senior programmer;
 高级齿轮 high-class gear;
 高级充茧绸棉布 (美) soisette;
 高级醇 higher alcohol;
 高级打包麻布 pack-sheet;
 高级代那买特炸药 {材} high-grade dynamite;
 高级低共熔体 hypereutectoid;
 高级电缆屏蔽 high degree cable shielding;
 高级电阻丝 Kanthal super;
 高级芳烃 higher aromatics;
 高级房舱 texas;
 高级干部 high ranking cadres; senior cadres;
 高级钢 high-grade steel;
 高级工程师 senior engineer;
 高级雇员 superior servant;
 高级管理人员 higher management;
 高级惯性基准球 advanced inertial reference sphere;
 高级合金钢 high-grade alloy steel;
 高级合金钢冶炼法 Kelcaloy method;
 高级合金结构(钢) high-grade alloy structure steel;
 高级厚重舞缎 panne;
 高级花丝绒 fleur de velour;
 高级化合物 higher-order compound;
 高级灰口铁 high-quality grey iron;
 高级会议 summit meeting;
 高级汇编语言程序设计{自} assembly language programing vs. high level;
 高级技术研究制造业 research and manufacture involving advanced technology;
 高级祭坛 supperaltar;
 高级加工产品 high-grade processed goods;
 高级加密 superencipherment;
 高级家用煤 wallsend;
 高级教练机 advanced trainer; advanced training airplane;
 高级轿车 sadan limousine;
 高级精度配合 high-class fit;
 高级精梳毛 body delaine;
 高级精梳羊毛 delaine;
 高级精装本 deluxe edition;
 高级绝缘材料 high-grade insulating materials;
 高级课程 honors (为优等生开设);
 高级磷青铜 damaxine;
 高级律师 serjeant-at-law;
 高级落棉 long noil;
 高级煤 {地质} high-rank coal;
 高级密织薄纱 percale;
 高级墨水 high-quality ink;
 高级耐火砖 high refractory brick;
 高级能 high-grade energy;
 高级农业生产合作社 advanced agricultural producers' cooperatives;
 《高级农业生产合作社示范章程》 (1956) Model Regulations for an Advanced Agricultural Producers' Cooperative;
 高级跑车 Gran turismo;
 高级烹饪 haute cuisine;
 高级膨胀泡沫体 {材} high-expansion foam;
 高级苹果 (适于作餐后果品的) pippin;
 高级汽油 premium grade gasoline;
 高级去垢油 highly detergent oil;
 高级炔烃 higher alkyne;
 高级燃料 high-rank fuel;
 高级染料 high-grade dyestuff;
 高级人民法院 higher people's court;
 高级人民检查院 high people's procuratorate; superior people's procuratorate;
 高级人物 high-up;
 高级纱罗 spiders;
 高级神经活动 {生理} higher nervous activity;
 高级神经活动类型 types of higher nervous activity;
 高级神经活动学说 higher nervous activity theory;
 高级神经中枢 {生理} higher nervous center;
 高级神职人员 patriarch;
 高级圣职 major order;
 高级市政官 alderman; regidor (市政府中地位仅次于市长的官员);
 高级石油 amianthus; amiantus;
 高级书写纸 bond paper; bank paper;
 高级数据连接 high level data link;
 高级双股绣花棉线 early yarn;
 高级丝花缎 fleur de soie;
 高级塔夫绸 (法) cachemire de soie;
 高级碳化无烟煤 ta-anthracite;
 高级碳素钢 high-grade carbon steel;
 高级(飞行)特技 acrobacy;
 高级特技飞行 advanced aerobatics;
 高级烃 higher hydrocarbon;
 高级统计分析程序语言 advanced statistical program analysis language;
 高级烷烃 higher alkane;
 高级网络 high-level network;
 高级纬面缎 satin tops;
 高级烯烃 higher alkene;
 高级细软白布 opaline;
 高级消费品 high-grade consumer; luxury goods;
 高级小麦面包 manchet;
 高级小学 higher primary school;
 高级效应 high-order effect;
 高级斜纹绸 royal twill;
 高级斜纹呢 himalaya;
 高级形式合作社 cooperatives of the advanced type;
 高级形态形成 hypermorphosis;
 高级行政会议 grand council;
 高级纬面缎 satin tops;
 高级学位 advanced degree;
 高级烟煤 chinley coal;
 高级印度薄纱 adarsa;
 高级优质铸铁 {冶} high-duty castiron;
 高级油 special oil;
 高级语言 high-level language; higher-level language; {自} high-order language;
 高级语言机 high-level language machine;
 高级皂石 alberene;
 高级炸药 high explosive; detonating explosive;
 高级债券 senior bonds;
 高级毡帽 homberg;
 高级战术电子战系统 advanced tactical electronic warfare system;
 高级战术干扰系统 advanced tactical jamming system;
 高级战术航空电子雷达 advanced tactical avionics radar;
 高级战术突击武器 advanced tactical assault weapon;
 高级战术制导系统 advanced tactical guidance system;
 高级真空泵 low-pressure vacuum pump;
 高级侦察卫星 advanced reconnaissance satellite;
 高级脂肪酸 higher fatty acid;
 高级知识分子 senior intellectural;
 高级职称 title of a senior professional post;
 高级职员 topside;
 高级旨酒 supernaculum;
 高级纸(张) {纸} fine paper;
 高级中学 senior middle school; high school;
 高级主管人员 senior executive;
 高级铸铁 high-quality cast iron; high-test cast iron




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