

字词 高度
释义 高度
 gāo dù
 (高低程度) altitude; height; elevation:
  飞行高度 flying altitude;
  山的高度 the height of a mountain
 (程度高) high; high degree; highly:
  高度的警惕性 high vigilance;
  高度的责任感 highly-developed sense of responsibility;
  高度现代化的工厂 a highly modernized plant;
  高度发达的商品经济 highly developed commodity economy;
  高度权威 full authority;
  高度社会化的大生产 highly socialized mass production;
  高度文明,高度民主的国家 culturally advanced and highly democratic nation;
  高度赞扬 speak highly of;
  高度的概括和总结 masterly generalization and summation;
  高度集中的国家决策体系 highly centralized policy-making setup of the state;
  高度集中的统一管理 high degree of centralized and unified management;
  高度集中、以行政管理为主的体制 highly centralized system operated chiefly by administrative means; highly centralized setup, which runs economic affairs chiefly along administrative lines; highly centralized economic setup, which runs the economy chiefly by administrative method; highly centralized economic structure which relied mainly on administrative management; highly centralized economic structure in favour of administrative control
 高度编码器 altimeter coder;
 高度变化线(等高变化线) {气} height-change line; contourchange line;
 高度变化图 {气} height-change chart;
 高度变换器 altitude converter;
 高度比例尺 height scale; altitude scale;
 高度标尺 altitude scale;
 高度标记 number of altitude;
 高度标示电路 height-index circuit;
 高度补偿 altimetric compensation;
 高度操纵杆 altitude control lever;
 高度测定器 height finder;
 高度测绘板 height card;
 高度测量 altitude measurement;
 高度差 {工} altitude difference; altitude intercept; intercept; difference in height;
 高度重叠覆盖范围 {电子} height overlap coverage;
 高度传感器 altimetric sensor;
 高度传染 hyperinfection;
 高度传真 high-fidelity (hi-fi);
 高度等张性 hyperisotonia;
 高度地势 hypsographic feature;
 高度发送机 altitude transmitter;
 高度阀 altitude valve (航空发动机的汽化器的可调整阀);
 高度方程 height equation;
 高度方位角 altitude azimuth;
 高度方位仪 {天} almucantar; altazimuth;
 高度方向 short transverse (横截面中的短边);
 高度分压器 height potentiometer;
 高度光泽 press polish;
 高度概括性 succinct generalization;
 高度告警装置 height warning device;
 高度功率因数 {航空} height power factor;
 高度规 {工} height gage; centre-height gauge; height master;
 高度滑尺 altitude slide;
 高度基准 {工} altitude datum;
 高度计数器 height computer;
 高度计算机(器) height computer; elevation computer;
 高度记录器 altitude recorder; altigraph;
 高度角 elevating angle;
 高度校正 height correction; altitude correction; adjustment for altitude;
 高度校正器 altimeter corrector;
 高度节流阀 altitude throttle;
 高度精炼法 superrefining process;
 高度精细结构 hyperfine structure;
 高度精制油 highly refined oil;
 高度(数)酒 high wine;
 高度绝缘清漆 electric varnish;
 高度恐怖 {心理} acrophobia;
 高度控制 height control; altitude control;
 高度控制阀 levelling valve;
 高度控制杆 height control lever;
 高度控制器 height controller;
 高度空白 {电子} altitude hole;
 高度裂化汽油 highly cracked gasoline;
 高度录取 height data extraction;
 高度弥散 highly dispersed;
 高度门电路断开 height-gate turnoff;
 高度免疫法 hyperimmunization;
 高度民主 high degree of democracy;
 高度模拟 altitude simulation;
 高度磨光 high polish;
 高度平行光 high-parallel light rays;
 高度千分尺 microheight gauge;
 高度曲线 altitude curve;
 高度燃烧物 tinderbox;
 高度熔合岩 diatexite;
 高度色散 highly dispersed;
 高度升降速率指示器 altitude vertical velocity indicator (AVVI);
 高度失真 high distortion;
 高度视差 {航空; 航海} parallax in altitude;
 高度数据发送装置 altitude transmitter;
 高度数据输入 {电} height input;
 高度双稳态多谐振荡器 height-flip-flop;
 高度水准器 {地测} altitude level;
 高度死区(空穴)效应 altitude-hole effect;
 高度伺服机构 height servo;
 高度特化 eggcase; eggcase capsule;
 高度调节 height adjustment; height setting;
 高度调节器 altitude controller;
 高度调节油缸 height control cylinder;
 高度调整 height adjustment; adjust vertically;
 高度通货膨胀 hyperinflation;
 高度位置指示器 height-position indicator;
 高度误差 height error;
 高度限位器 height limitator;
 高度线 altitude line;
 高度相关 height correlation;
 高度效应 altitude effect;
 高度信号 {电子} altitude signal;
 高度型式 baric topography; height pattern; isobaric topography; {气} pressure topography;
 高度选择性迷走神经切断术 ultraselective vagotomy;
 高度压光 supercalendering;
 高度压力差表 altitude pressure differential meter;
 高度压下量 reduction in height;
 高度砑光机 supercalender (制纸用);
 高度延迟 {电子} altitude delay;
 高度液压调节机构 hydraulic height control;
 高度游标卡尺 vernier height gauge;
 高度远视 hyperpresbyopia;
 高度增益 {电子} height gain;
 高度增益函数 height-gain function;
 高度增益曲线 height-gain curve;
 高度增益系数 height-gain factor;
 高度真空 high vacuum;
 高度真空管 hard tube;
 高度真空油脂 high-vacuum grease;
 高度专门化 hyperspecialization;
 高度转接开关 altitude selector;
 高度自动化传动 supermatic drive;
 高度自动同步机 altitude selsyn;
 高度自记仪 altigraph;
 高度自治 high degree of autonomy




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