

字词 充分
释义 充分
 chōng fèn
 (足够) full; ample; abundant; sufficient:
  有充分的信心 be full of confidence;
  我没有充分的准备。 I have no adequate preparation.
  我们有充分的理由相信这消息是可靠的。 We have every reason to believe that the news is true.
 (尽量) fully; to the full:
  充分动员 mobilize to the fullest extent;
  充分发挥 bring ... into full play;
  充分发挥生产潜力 develop potential productive forces to the full;
  充分利用 fully utilize; make full use of; turn to full account;
  充分发挥民主监督的作用 fully strengthen the role of democratic supervision;
  充分协商 full consultation;
  充分证据 ample evidence; satisfactory evidence; sufficient evidence;
  充分证明 full proof
 充分焙烧 thorough roasting;
 充分必要条件 {数} sufficient and necessary condition;
 充分动因 adequate cause;
 充分干燥 intensive drying;
 充分核查 adequate verification;
 充分接收机 sufficient receiver;
 充分近似法 sufficient approximation;
 充分就业 full employment;
 充分就业预算 full-employment budget;
 充分理由 adequate cause; sufficient reason;
 充分耦合 sufficient coupling;
 充分生长期 {生} (极盛期) acme;
 充分条件 sufficiency; sufficient condition
 充分小 {数} sufficiently small;
 充分性 sufficiency




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