

字词 马马虎虎
释义 马马虎虎
 mǎ mǎ hū hū
 (马虎; 草率) palter with something; careless; casual; make a hash of something; slack; sloppiness in work; sloppy; take (do) things in a slipshod (slapdash; perfunctory) manner:
  服务马马虎虎 slack in service;
  产品出厂要严格检查,马马虎虎可不行。 Products must be strictly, not carelessly, inspected before they leave the factory.
  你要他们仔细点, 不要马马虎虎。 Ask them to be more careful. Don't let them get slack.
  他的信我只是马马虎虎地看了一下。 I merely glanced over his letter.
 (凑合; 将就; 勉强) fair to middling; just passable; not so bad, not so good; just so-so:
  你的游泳技术怎么样? --马马虎虎, 游不远。 Are you a good swimmer? -- Just so-so. I can't swim far.
  这种牌子的香烟怎么样? --马马虎虎, 你来一支试试。 How's this brand of cigarettes? -- Not so bad. Try one.
  他能讲英语, 讲得马马虎虎。 He can speak English, after a fashion.




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