

字词 儿童
释义 儿童
 ér tóng
  无辜的儿童 an innocent child;
  未满5岁儿童免费。 Children under five years of age are not charged.
 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children;
 儿童保健服务机构 child health services;
 儿童保育事业 child care;
 儿童背带裤 coogan;
 儿童电视剧 children's TV show;
 儿童读物 children's books;
 儿童短衫 toddlers;
 儿童福利 child-welfare;
 儿童福利基金会 children's welfare foundation;
 儿童歌曲 children's song;
 儿童个性问卷 children personality questionaire;
 儿童公园 children park;
 儿童广播剧 radio play for children;
 儿童教养院 protectory;
 儿童教育 education for children;
 儿童教育学 paeduetics;
 儿童节 (International) Children's Day (June 1);
 儿童节目 children's programs;
 儿童精神病学 child psychiatry;
 儿童竞赛帆船 J boat;
 儿童缺陷学 defectology;
 儿童少年卫生 child and youth hygiene;
 儿童失语症 {心理} childhood aphasia;
 儿童食品 infant foods;
 儿童受虐综合症 battered child syndrome;
 儿童烫伤综合征 scalded-child syndrome;
 儿童统觉测验 {心} Children's Apperception Test;
 儿童图书馆 junior library;
 儿童团 the Children's Corps;
 儿童围涎 tier;
 儿童卫生 child health;
 儿童文学 children's (juvenile) literature;
 儿童小手帕 muckinder;
 儿童心理 infantile psychology;
 儿童行为诊疗所 habit clinic;
 儿童牙科学 pedodontics; pedodontia; pediodontia;
 儿童医院 children's hospital;
 儿童营养 child nutrition;
 儿童游戏场 children playgrounds;
 儿童语言 child (little; nursery) language;
 儿童阅览室 children's reading room;
 儿童中心教育 child-centered education




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