

 (用于人名) a word used in a person's name:
  郦食其 Li Yiji
 另见 shí; sì。
 (书) (拿东西给人吃) bring food to; feed另见 shí; yì。
 3) 食(Ⅱ 蚀)
 (吃) eat:
  少食肉多食蔬菜 eat less meat and more vegetables;
  不劳动者不得食。 He who does not work, neither shall he eat.
 (吃饭) meal:
  废寝忘食 forget meals and sleep; be totally absorbed in
 (人吃的东西) food:
  副食 non-staple food;
  流食 liquid diet;
  面食 food made of flour;
  肉食 meat;
  熟食 cooked (prepared) food;
  主食 staple food;
  他拒绝进食。 He refused food.
 (一般动物吃的东西; 饲料) feed:
  鸡(猪)食 chicken (pig) feed;
  我买了一袋鸟食。 I bought a bag of bird feed.
 (可食用的) edible:
  食油 edible (cooking) oil
 (天体现象) eclipse:
  环 (偏, 全)食 annular (partial, total) eclipse;
  日 (月)食 solar (lunar) eclipse
 (姓氏) a surname:
  食子通 Shi Zitong
 另见 sì; yì。




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