字词 | 飞机 |
释义 | 飞机 fēi jī airplane; plane; aeroplane; kite; bird; aircraft: 不明国籍的飞机 unidentified aircraft; 垂直降落飞机 vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL); 短距起落飞机 short takeoff and landing aircraft (STOL); 螺旋桨飞机 propeller-driven plane; 水上飞机 hydroplaner; marine aircraft; seaplane; 直升飞机 helicopter; copter; 水空两用飞机 amphibious plane; 喷气飞机 jet plane; 无人驾驶飞机 robot plane; 双引擎飞机 twin-motored plane; 双座飞机 two-seater plane; 乘飞机旅行 travel by air (plane); 给飞机加油 fuel a plane; 飞机失去控制被迫降落在湖面上。 The plane lost its control and was ditched on the lake. 坐飞机去美国要花多少钱? How much does it cost to fly to the United States? 飞机靶标船 aircraft target ship; 飞机板材 airplane-lumber; 飞机壁板 aircraft panel; 飞机播种 aerial seeding; aerial sowing; air sowing; sow tree (grass) seeds from the air by plane; 飞机播种机 aerial broadcaster; 飞机播种器 airplane seeder; 飞机播种造林 aerial seeding; 飞机布 {纺} aeroplane cloth; 飞机布雷 aerial mining; 飞机布线系统 aircraft wiring system; 飞机舱 aircraft cabin; 飞机操纵柄 air craft control pick-up; 飞机操纵系统 flight control system; flying control system; flight controls; 飞机称重 aircraft weighting; 飞机乘客险 aircraft passenger insurance; 飞机传播电视 stratovision; 飞机垂鼻 droop nose (snoot); 飞机磁方位 magnetic bearing of aircraft; 飞机搭接 aircraft bonding; 飞机弹射器 aircraft catapult; 飞机带电 {气} aircraft electrification; 飞机导弹 airborne missile; 飞机导航 aircraft navigation; 飞机导航设备 aeronautical navigation equipment; 飞机导引 {航空} aircraft vectoring; 飞机低空进场系统 {航空} aircraft low-approach system; 飞机颠簸 aircraft bumpiness; 飞机电缆连接 aircraft bonding; 飞机电池 aircraft battery; 飞机电台 aircraft station; 飞机电源开关 aircraft power supply switch; 飞机订票系统 instamatic system; 飞机动力学 aircraft dynamics; 飞机动力装置 aircraft power plant; 飞机队 avicade; 飞机发动机 aircraft engine; 飞机发动机零件 aircraft engine parts; 飞机-发动机匹配 aircraft-engine matching; 飞机-发动机相容性 aircraft-engine compatibility; 飞机-发动机一体化 aircraft-engine integration; 飞机-发动机整体化 aircraft-engine integration; 飞机反雷达 raven; 飞机反射干扰信号 aeroplane flutter; 飞机反射信号 aircraft return; 飞机方位 bearing of aircraft; 飞机方位指示器 aircraft reporter; 飞机防火 aircraft fire protection; 飞机飞行图 howgozit curve; 飞机分贝等级 {电磁} aircraft decibel rating; 飞机浮筒 aerofloat; 飞机附件 aircraft accessory; 飞机跟踪 aircraft tracking; 飞机耕作 aerial farming; 飞机工程 aircraft engineering; 飞机构架结构 airframe construction; 飞机构件 aircraft component; airplane structural part; 飞机构造 aircraft system; 飞机鼓包 aircraft excrescence; 飞机国籍标志 nationality mark of aircraft; 飞机航线 course line; 飞机航行计算机 aircraft computer; 飞机滑行道 taxiway; 飞机化学防治 aeroplane chemical protection; 飞机机舱内交货价 free on board plane; 飞机机架 airframe; 飞机机架设计 airframe design; 飞机机身构造 fuselage construction; 飞机机身险 aircraft hull insurance; 飞机机体 airframe; 飞机机油 aircraft engine oil; 飞机积冰 {气} aircraft icing; 飞机加油 aircraft refuelling; 飞机加油器 aircraft fueler; aircraft refueller; 飞机加油箱 airplane refuel tank; 飞机驾驶员 pilot; aeriator; 飞机驾驶员险 airpilot risks; 飞机检查员 aircraft controller; 飞机降落指示灯 approach light; 飞机截击控制系统 aircraft intercept control system; 飞机结构 aircraft configuration; aircraft construction; aircraft structures; airplane structure; 飞机结构部件 airplane structural parts; 飞机结构学 aerostructure; 飞机进场间隔 aircraft approach spacing; 飞机进场区域 approach area; 飞机军械 aircraft ordnance; 飞机空中掩护 parasol; 飞机控制区界限 clearance limit; 飞机拉力赛 air rally; 飞机流线型天线罩 aircraft radome; 飞机隆起部分 aircraft protuberance; 飞机轮胎 aero tyre; aircraft tyre; 飞机轮外胎 aero casing; 飞机罗盘系统 aircraft compass system; 飞机螺旋桨 propeller; propellor; 飞机螺旋桨壳 airscrew hub; 飞机螺旋桨壳凸缘 airscrew hub flange; 飞机门 aircraft door; 飞机蒙布 airplane cloth (fabric); 飞机灭火 aerial extinguishing; 飞机模型 areoplane model; 飞机跑道 runway; 飞机喷粉 air-dusting; 飞机喷粉机 airplane duster; 飞机喷粉器 aeroduster; 飞机喷雾器 aerosprayer; 飞机喷药 aerial spray; 飞机棚 airplane shed; hangarage; 飞机频谱 aircraft spectra; 飞机屏蔽 aircraft shielding; 飞机起飞设备 aircraft launching apparatus; 飞机起落滑撬 aircraft skid; 飞机起落架 landing gear;carriage; 飞机(航空)汽油 Agas; 飞机入口 airport of entry; 飞机润滑油 aeroplane oil; 飞机撒药设备 airborne applicating equipment; 飞机升降舵 aircraft elevator; 飞机师 avigator; 飞机失火 aircraft fire; 飞机失事 aeroplane accident; aircrash; 飞机识别 aircraft signalization; 飞机事故 aircraft accident; 飞机事故报告 aircraft accident report (AAR); 飞机适航证书 certificate of airworthiness; 飞机试验 {航空} aircraft testing; 飞机弹射椅 {口} hot-seat; 飞机探测 airplane sounding; 飞机探测激光雷达 aircraft detection lidar; 飞机探测器 aircraft detector; 飞机探察 {工} aircraft detection; 飞机特性 aeroplane characteristic; 飞机天气侦察 {气} aircraft weather reconnaissance; 飞机天线 aircraft antenna; airborne antenna; aeroplane antenna; 飞机天线开关 aircraft antenna switch; 飞机跳伞运动 sport parachuting from areoplane; 飞机推进 {航空} aircraft propulsion; 飞机推进堆 aircraft propulsion reactor; 飞机外挂架 {航空} aircraft pylon; 飞机外挂物 aircraft external store; 飞机维修站 air depot; 飞机-尾喷管匹配 aircraft-exhaust nozzle matching; 飞机位置指示器 aircraft position reporter; 飞机问答机 rooster; 飞机无线电接收机 aircraft radio receiver; 飞机无线电瞄准器 aircraft radio sight; 飞机无线电设备 aircraft radio set; airborne radio installation; 飞机系统 aircraft system; 飞机险撞 (英) air miss; 飞机消防员 hot suitman; 飞机效应 {讯} aeroplane effect; 飞机谐振腔天线 cavity aircraft antenna; 飞机信号 airborne signal; 飞机性能 {航空} aeroplane performance; airplane performance; 飞机修理 aircraft repair; 飞机旋转自记仪 kymograph; 飞机询问应答机 rooster; 飞机一切险 aircraft all risks; 飞机仪表 {航空} aircraft instrument; aircraft instrumentation; 飞机仪表板 {航空} aircraft instrument panel; 飞机仪器观测 apob; 飞机应答信标 airborne transponder beacon; 飞机应急雷达发射机 walter; 飞机用材 aeroplane timber; 飞机云幂 {气} aircraft ceiling; 飞机运输船 aircraft transport; 飞机载重量 planeload; 飞机早期警报站 {航空} aircraft early-warning station; 飞机噪声 aircraft noise; 飞机照明弹 {工} airplane flare; 飞机整流罩 aircraft radome; 飞机制导 aircraft guidance; 飞机制造厂 aircraft factory; 飞机制造车间 aircraft manufacturing shop; 飞机中间停留基地 {军} staging base; 飞机重量控制 aircraft weight control; 飞机重心 center of gravity of airplane; 飞机重心定位 aircraft center-of-gravity position fix; 飞机转播电视 stratovision; 飞机转向架 dolly; 飞机装甲 aircraft armor; 飞机装配厂 aircraft assembly plant; 飞机着陆引导系统 approach and landing system; 飞机姿态 {航空} aspect; attitude; 飞机自动驾驶仪 aircraft autopilot; automatic aircraft pilot; 飞机坐标系 {航空} aircraft axes; axes of an aircraft; 飞机座椅 aircraft seat |
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