

字词 颤动
释义 颤动
 chàn dòng
 quake; quiver; vibrate; tremble; flutter; jitter; bounce; dither; chatter; trepidation; vibration; vibes:
  声带颤动 vibration of the vocal chords;
  大地在他脚下颤动。 The ground quaked (trembled) under his feet.
  树叶在微风中颤动。 The leaves quivered (trembled) in the breeze.
  她嘴唇颤动。 Her lips vibrated.
 颤动干扰 mush;
 颤动回波 flutter echo;
 颤动回声 flutter echo;
 颤动计算 flutter calculation;
 颤动计算机 flutter computer;
 颤动检验器 flutter checker;
 颤动特性 bouncing charateristic;
 颤动效应 wobbling effect; flutter effect;
 颤动信号 dither signal




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