字词 | 顿 |
释义 | 顿 dùn 动 (稍停; 停顿) pause; halt; stop: 他顿了一下,又接着往下说。 After a short pause, he went on. (书法上指用力使笔着纸而暂不移动) (in Chinese calligraphy) pause in writing in order to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke: 顿笔 make a pause for breath in writing (头叩地) touch the ground (with one's head) (脚跺地) stamp (one's foot): 顿脚 stamp one's foot (处理; 安置) arrange; settle: 安顿 arrange for; help settle down 形 (疲乏) fatigued; tired: 劳顿 tired out; exhausted 副 (立刻; 忽然) suddenly; immediately: 顿悟 suddenly realize the truth, etc. attain enlightenment; 茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened 量 (用于吃饭、斥责、劝说、打骂等行为的次数): 挨了一顿骂 get a scolding; 说了他一顿 give him a dressing-down; 一天三顿饭 three meals a day 名 (姓氏) a surname: 顿琦 Dun Qi 另见 dú。 2) 顿 dú 名 (人名用字) a word used in a person's name: 冒顿 Modu 另见 dùn。 |
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