

字词 面向
释义 面向
 miàn xiàng
 (朝着) turn one's face to; turn in the direction of; face:
  面向国旗庄严敬礼 stand facing the national flag and salute solemnly
 (使适合) be geared to the needs of; cater to:
  面向广大读者 be geared to the needs of reading public;
  面向农村 be oriented towards rural areas; be geared to the needs of the countryside; face the countryside;
  面向经济建设 gear one's professional activity to economic construction; be oriented to economic development;
  面向应用 be oriented to application;
  面向群众 towards the masses;
  我们必须使我们的工作面向人民的需要。 We must orient our work to the needs of the people.
 面向比特规程 bit-oriented procedure;
 面向比特协议 bit-oriented protocol;
 面向出口工业 export-oriented industry;
 面向磁带系统 tape-oriented system;
 面向过程语言 procedural language; procedure-oriented language;
 面向机器语言 machine-oriented language;
 面向块的相联处理机 {计} block-oriented associative processor;
 面向商业通用语言 common business oriented language;
 面向问题语言 problem-oriented language;
 面向行动 action orientation;
 面向语法编译程序 syntax-oriented compiler;
 面向字符的计算机 character oriented computer




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