字词 | 露天 |
释义 | 露天 lù tiān in the open; open-air; outdoors: 今晚电影在露天演。 The film will be shown in the open air tonight. 在炎热的国家里可以睡在露天。 In hot countries it's possible to sleep outdoors. 露天爆破 surface blasting; 露天变电所 outdoor substation; 露天表演 pageant; 露天采场 excavating plant; 露天杆掘工 stripper; 露天采矿 strip mining; 露天采矿工人 sledger; 露天采煤 strip coal mining; 露天采煤机械 opencut mining machinery; 露天采石 quarry; 露天采石场 strip pit; 露天打眼设备 quarrymaster; 露天弹药库 {军} open ammunition space; 露天电厂 outdoor power plant; 露天电影院 open-air theatre; drive in; 露天堆放 air storage; 露天堆货场 open freight storage; 露天堆栈 open-air repository; open-air depot; 露天发电厂 outdoor station; 露天放矿漏斗 millhole; 露天放映 outdoor film projection; 露天工作者 yardman; 露天烘焙 air bake; 露天甲板 {船} weather deck; 露天交易会场 fair grounds; 露天教室 fresh air room; 露天金矿工 surface; 露天剧场 outdoor theater; open air theater; fly-in; amphitheatre; 露天开采 {采矿} opencut; opencast; openwork; open-cast mining; opencut mining; open-pit mining; strip mining; 露天开采法 {采矿} surface mining; 露天开采坑 open pit; 露天开关场 switchyard; 露天开挖 open-work; 露天看台 bleachers; 露天看台上的观众 bleacherite; 露天课 outdoor class; 露天码头面积 open wharf area; 露天煤矿 heugh; opencut coal mine; 露天市场 souk (北非和中东的); sook; 露天试验场 open-door test ground; 露天水池 open dug reservoir; 露天外楼梯 forestair; 露天锡砂矿 lombong; 露天小构筑物 stand; 露天音乐会 open-air concert; 露天游泳池 outdoor swimming pool; 露天越冬 outdoor wintering; 露天灶 fireplace; 露天贮存 storage in open system; 露天装置 open installation |
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