

字词 需要
释义 需要
 xū yào
 (应该有或必须有) need; want; require; demand; do with:
  需要立即采取行动 require immediate action;
  她需要休息。 She is in need of a rest.
  我们需要一个和平的国际环境。 We want (need) a peaceful international environment.
  翻译工作需要特别细心。 Translation demands utmost care.
 (对事物的欲望或要求) needs:
  经济上的需要 economic needs;
  从群众的需要出发 make the needs of the masses our starting point;
  满足市场需要 meet the needs of the market
 需要等级论 hierarchy of needs;
 需要功率 {电} required power;
 需要构成 pattern of wants;
 需要量 requirement; quam; demand; amount of needs;
 需要评价 needs assessment;
 需要物 requirement;
 需要因素 (率) demand factor;
 需要证书 certificate of necessity




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