

  (院子) courtyard; yard; compound:
  场院 threshing ground;
  居民大院 neighbourhood compound;
  前院 front yard;
  我把汽车停在后院。 I parked the car in the backyard.
  院里种了几棵枣树。 There are some jujube trees in the courtyard.
 (某些机关和公共处所的名称) a designation for certain government offices and public places:
  电影院 cinema;
  法院 law court;
  国务院 state council;
  科学院 the academy of sciences;
  疗养院 sanatorium
 (学院) institute; college:
  理学院 college of science;
  农(药)学院 college of agriculture (pharmacy);
  文学院 literal arts college
 (医院) hospital:
  出院 leave hospital; be out of hospital; be discharged from hospital;
  入院 be admitted to hospital; be hospitalized;
  转院 transfer to another hospital;
  医生建议让小孩住院。 The doctor advised hospitalization for the child.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  院明 Yuan Ming




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