

 (太阳; 日光) the sun:
  朝阳 exposed to the sun;
  夕阳 the setting (evening) sun;
  这间屋向阳。 The room has a southern exposure.
 (山的南面; 水的北面) south of a hill or north of a river:
  衡阳 Hengyang (a city situated on the south side of Hengshan Mountain);
  洛阳 Luoyang (a city situated on the north side of the Luohe River)
 (中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙间的一切事物中的两大对立面之一) (in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc.) yang, the masculine or positive principle in nature
 (男性生殖器) male genitals
 (姓氏) a surname:
  阳雍伯 Yang Yongbo
 (凸出的) in relief:
  阳文 characters cut in relief
 (外露的; 表面的) open; overt:
  阴一套,阳一套 act one way in public and another in private; be engaged in double-dealing
 (属于活人或人世的) belonging to this world; concerned with living beings:
  阳宅 human habitation
  {物} (带正电的) positive:
  阳离子 positive ion; cation




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