

字词 防风
释义 防风
 fáng fēng
  {植} Saposhnikovia divaricata (伞形科多年生草本,根入中药)
  {中药} the root of fangfeng ; radix sileris
 (挡风) windbreak
 (姓氏) a surname:
  防风平 Fangfeng Ping
 防风带 windbreak belt;
 防风带状种植 wind strip crop;
 防风灯 hurricane lamp;
 防风防沙 check the wind and fix the shifting sand;
 防风林 windbreak (forest);
 防风林带 shelter belt and wind break;
 防风锚 weather anchor;
 防风通圣散 {中药} Miraculous Power of Ledebouriella; Fangfeng Tongsheng San;
 防风衣 windcheater;
 防风罩 hurricane globe; windshield;
 防风制沙 check winds and control sand;
 防风烛台 hurricane lamp




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