

 (没有事情; 没有活动; 有空) not busy; idle; unoccupied:
  不吃闲饭 won't be an idler;
  吃闲饭 eat the bread of idleness;
  闲不住 refuse to stay idle; always keep oneself busy;
  不要游手好闲。 Don't idle about.
  闲着不干事他可受不了。 He can't bear idleness.
 (不在使用中) not in use; unoccupied; lying idle:
  闲房 unoccupied (vacant) room or house;
  别让机器闲着! Don't let the machine stand idle!
  没有一辆车闲着。 There's not a single free vehicle.; All the vehicles are in use.
 (与正事无关的) chatty; digressiv
 (闲空儿) spare (free) time; leisure:
  农闲 slack season in farming;
  忙里偷闲 snatch a little leisure from a busy life;
  今天她不得闲。 She has no time to spare today.




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