

字词 问题
释义 问题
 wèn tí
 (需回答的题目) question; problem:
  解答问题 solve a problem;
  提问题 ask a question
 (需研究解决的矛盾等) problem; matter:
  问题的关键 the heart of the matter; key to the question; key to the solution of a question;
  问题的实质 essence of the problem (question);
  问题成堆 a satchel (a batch) of questions;
  难问题 a troublesome problem;
  共同关心的问题 questions of common interest;
  关键问题 a key problem;
  思想问题 an ideological problem;
  悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue;
  原则问题 a question of principle; a matter of principle;
  枝节问题 minor issue
 (事故或意外) trouble; mishap; sth. wrong:
  解决麻烦问题的能手 troubleshooter;
  没出什么问题 without any mishap;
  那机器有点问题。 Something is wrong with the machine.
 (重要之点) the point; the thing:
  问题不在这里。 That is not the point.
 问题定义 problem definition;
 问题儿童 problem child;
 问题教学 problem instruction;
 问题解答(决) problem solving;
 问题校验 problem check;
 问题求解程序 problem solver;
 问题行为图 problem-behaviour graphs;
 问题学习 problem learning;
 问题语言 problem-oriented language




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