

 (价值; 数值) price; value:
  币值 currency value;
  比值 specific value; ratio;
  总产值 gross output value
  {数} value:
  绝对值 absolute value;
  切割值 cut value
 (货物和价钱相当) be worth:
  不值一提 not worth mentioning;
  这车不值5万美元。 This car is not worth 50,000 dollars.
  这值多少钱? How much (What) is this worth?
  跑这一趟不值。 The trip is not worthwhile.
 (碰上; 遇到) happen to; come upon:
  值此危急之秋 at such a critical time;
  值此贵国五十周年国庆之际 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of your National Day;
  我们到时适值雨季。 We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.
 (担任轮到的职务) be on duty; take one's turn at sth.:
  轮值 work in shifts; take turns;
  值夜 be on night duty; be on the night shift;
  值周 be on duty for the week




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