

字词 重复
释义 重复
 chóng fù
  repeat; duplicate; reduplicate; iterate:
  他把那个词重复了几遍。 He repeated the word several times.
  repetition; reiteration; gemination; rerun; duplication; replication; palin-; pali-:
  避免不必要的重复 avoid needless duplication;
  经过无数次的重复 after numerous repetitions;
  任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。 No historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past.
 重复按钮 repeat knob;
 重复保险 double (overlapping) insurance;
 重复爆发 recurrent outburst;
 重复闭路继电器 recloser;
 重复编程 (序) overprogram;
 重复操作 repetitive operation;
 重复操作符 {自} repeat operator;
 重复测角法 repetition;
 重复测量模型 {统} repeated measurements model;
 重复程序 repetitive routine;
 重复出现{植} repeated emergence;
 重复传染 superinfection;
 重复传输方式 repeat transmission system;
 重复次数 number of replications;
 重复穿孔 repeat punch;
 重复单位 {免疫} repeating units;
 重复单元 {自} repetitive (units);
 重复点火 relight(ing);
 重复电路 repeat circuit;
 重复定址 {自} repetitive addressing; one-ahead addressing;
 重复动作 repetitive operation;
 重复读数 duplicate reading;
 重复对准步序 reregistration step;
 重复发情 recurrence of estrus;
 重复符号 replicator;
 重复感染 superinfection;
 重复耕作 repeated tillage;
 重复回交 repeated backcross;
 重复基因 duplicate factor;
 重复激活 reconditioning;
 重复计数 repeat count;
 重复计数器 repeat counter;
 重复计算机 repetitive computer;
 重复加载试验 repeated load test;
 重复检查(检验; 校验) rechecking; duplication check;
 重复校准 recalibration;
 重复精度 repeatability precision;
 重复聚积 repetitive stacking;
 重复矩形波 repetitive rectangular waves;
 重复课税 double taxation;
 重复开价 repeat offer;
 重复劳动 duplication of labour;
 重复利用 recycle;
 重复率 {讯} recurrence (repetition) rate; repetition frequency; rate of repetition;
 重复逻辑部件 duplicate logical unit;
 重复脉冲 repetition (repetitive) pulse;
 重复脉冲示波器 {电工} recurrent surge oscillograph;
 重复模拟计算机 repetitive analog computer;
 重复能力 reproducibility;
 重复排列 repeated (multiple) permutation; permutation with repetition;
 重复配种 remating; repeat service;
 重复频率 recurrence (repetition) frequency; repetition rate; repeat frequency rate; recurrence rate;
 重复频率发生器 repetition-rate generator; recurrence rate oscillator;
 重复频率激光器 repetitive frequency laser;
 重复频率控制 repetition-rate control;
 重复启动按钮 relight button; reset button;
 重复侵染 superinfection;
 重复染色体 duplicated chromosome;
 重复三边测量 repeated trilateration;
 重复生产 overlapping production; repetitions (duplication) in production;
 重复使用 reuse;
 重复试验 repeated test;
 重复水准测量 repeated levelling;
 重复说明 repeat specification;
 重复顺序 repetitive sequence;
 重复速度 recurrence rate;
 重复调谐点 repeating point;
 重复吸收 {植} epictesis;
 重复系统 duplicated system;
 重复现场实验 replicated field test;
 重复相加 repeated addition; over and over addition;
 重复信号 repeating signal;
 重复信号延迟 multipath delay;
 重复网络 recurrent network;
 重复误差 repetitive error;
 重复选址 repetitive addressing;
 重复循环 repetitive cycle; recycle; recirculation;
 重复循环存储器 recirculating store;
 重复循环总次数 cycle-criterion;
 重复寻址 repetitive (stepped) addressing;
 重复训练 repetition training;
 重复压条 compound layering;
 重复言语 virbigeration; catalogia;
 重复因子 repetition (iteration) factor;
 重复印刷 repeat print;
 重复应力 repetitive (repeat(ed)) stress;
 重复运动 repeating motion;
 重复运输 repetitive traffic;
 重复运算 repetitive operation;
 重复运算部件 duplicate arithmetic unit;
 重复运行 rerun;
 重复运行点 rerun point;
 重复杂交 recross;
 重复载荷 {力} repeated load;
 重复窄脉冲列 repetitive train of short pulses;
 重复占位 overlaying;
 重复占位段 overlays;
 重复振铃呼叫 rering;
 重复指令 repetitive (repetition) instruction;
 重复周期 repetition period (interval); repeat cycle;
 重复装置 duplicating device;
 重复自动充电设备 recloser;
 重复自语 auto-echolalia;
 重复组合 repeated combination; combination with repetition; multiple combinations




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