

字词 重叠
释义 重叠
 chóng dié
 (一层层堆积) one on top of another; overlapping:
  山峦重叠 range upon range of mountains;
  精简重叠的行政机构 simplify overlapping administrative organizations;
  消灭人事重叠和其他浪费现象 eliminate personnel duplication and other waste;
  他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。 His visit and mine overlapped.
  {电} {计} overlap; overlay; superimpose; superpose; {语} reduplication
 重叠编码 superimposed coding;
 重叠部分 lap;
 重叠操作 overlap operation; overlapping;
 重叠程序 overlay programme;
 重叠程序段 overlay segments;
 重叠处理 {自} overlap processing;
 重叠存储器 overlapped memories;
 重叠磁化 superposed magnetization;
 重叠倒位 {生} overlapping inversion;
 重叠电路 superposing circuit; superposed circuit;
 重叠对比 overlapping contrast;
 重叠法 overlap method;
 重叠访问 overlapped access;
 重叠分布 overlapping distribution;
 重叠规律 rule of superposition;
 重叠轨道 {物} overlapping orbitals;
 重叠行 overline;
 重叠基因 {生} overlapping genes;
 重叠积分 overlap integral;
 重叠角 over-lapping angle;
 重叠结点 coalescent knots;
 重叠控制 overlap control;
 重叠控制器 overlay controller;
 重叠脉冲 overlapping pulses;
 重叠密码 overlapping code;
 重叠汽油阀 crossover gasoline valve;
 重叠切削 overlap cut;
 重叠区 overlay region;
 重叠区域 overlapping region;
 重叠绕组 banked winding;
 重叠时间 overlapping time;
 重叠世代 overlapping generation;
 重叠试验 overlap test;
 重叠树 (形图) {计} overlay tree;
 重叠数据组 overlapping data grouping;
 重叠损耗 collapsing loss;
 重叠通路 overlay path;
 重叠图像 superimposed images;
 重叠系数 overlap coefficient; contact ratio;
 重叠相位 overlapping phases;
 重叠叶片 overlapped blades;
 重叠影 mackle;
 重叠影像 superimposed image;
 重叠游标 folded vernier;
 重叠栅 overlapping gate;
 重叠指示器 overlap indicator




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