

字词 采集
释义 采集
 cǎi jí
 gather; collect:
  采集民歌 collect folk songs;
  采集标本 collect specimens;
  蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。 Bees gather nectar from flowers.
  十天之中, 我们采集到一百多个品种。 In ten days we collected over 100 varieties.
  他们正在采集节日用花。 They are gathering flowers for the festival.
  原始部落靠渔猎采集为生。 Primitive tribes lived by fishing, hunting and gathering.
 采集蜂 field bee;
 采集经济 gathering economy;
 采集联合机 harvesters;
 采集设备 collecting device;
 采集梳 gathering comb;
 采集箱 {生} vasculum;
 采集植物 herborization




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