

 {化} (能在水熔液中产生氢离子的化合物的统称) acid:
  醋(硫)酸 acetic (sulphuric) acid
 (像醋的气味或味道) sour; tart:
  酸果 tart fruit;
  酸梨 sour pear;
  果子还青, 吃起来很酸。 The fruit is still green and eats sour.
  牛奶酸了。 The milk has turned sour.
  这些葡萄真酸! How sour these grapes taste!
 (悲痛; 伤心) sick at heart; grieved; distressed:
  心酸 be grieved; feel sad;
  她鼻子一酸, 流下泪来。 Her nose twitched and she began to weep.
 (迂腐) pedantic; impractical:
  寒酸 (of a poor scholar) miserable and shabby;
  穷酸 (of a scholar) poor and pedantic;
  酸秀才 impractical old scholar; priggish pedant
 (酸痛) tingle; ache:
  腰酸背痛 have a pain in the back; have a backache;
  我的腿都走酸了。 I walked off my legs.




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