

字词 部门
释义 部门
 bù mén
 department; branch; class; section:
  交通部门 communications department;
  中央各部门 departments and commissions under the central leadership;
  政府各部门 various government departments;
  主管部门 the department responsible for the work;
  有关部门 the department concerned;
  (邮局中)处理无法投递信件的部门 blind department;
  大百货公司里有许多部门分售各类商品。 In a big department store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods.
  工业和农业是国民经济的两个重要部门。 Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy.
 部门比例 porportion among different departments; ratio among the sectors;
 部门地貌学 departments of geomorphology;
 部门概算 departmental estimates;
 部门管理 divisional management;
 部门鉴定 department certification;
 部门结构 sectoral structure;
 部门经理 division manager;
 部门投资效果 effectiveness of investment in a particular sector or industry; returns on sectoral investment;
 部门预算 departmental budget;
 部门主管 department manager




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