

字词 那个
释义 那个
 nà ge
 (那一个) that:
  你认识那个男孩吗? Do you know that boy?
  那个院子里有几棵枣树。 There are some jujube trees in that courtyard.
 (那东西; 那事情) that:
  那个根本谈不到。 That's out of the question.
  那个你用不着担心。 Don't you worry about that.
  他为了那个在生气。 He is angry at that.
  我不喜欢那个。 I don't like that.
  (口) (用在动词、 形容词之前, 表示夸张):
  瞧他们干得那个欢哪! See how they're throwing themselves into their work!
  (口) (代替不便直说的话):
  我说他的所作所为也太那个了。 I say his behaviour is somewhat -- you know what I mean.




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