

 (遗失) lose:
  遗失 lose
 (遗漏) omit; slip over:
  巨细无遗 slip over nothing whether big or small
 (留下) leave behind; keep back; not give:
  不遗余力 spare no efforts
 (指死人留下) leave behind at one's death; bequeath; hand down:
  遗骨 remains (of the dead);
  遗作 posthumous work (of an author, etc.)
 (排泄大小便或精液) involuntary discharge of urine, etc.:
  梦遗 nocturnal emission; wet dream
 (遗失的东西) something lost:
  路不拾遗。 No one pockets anything found on the road.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  遗鹏 Yi Peng
 另见 wèi。
 (书) (赠与) offer as a gift; make a present of sth.:
  遗之千金 present sb. with a generous gift of money
 另见 yí。




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