

 (上下或前后颠倒) reverse:
  次序倒了。 The order is reversed.
 (使向相反的方向移动或颠倒) move backward; turn upside down:
  把汽车倒出车库 back a car out of a garage;
  你如果把信封倒过来, 钥匙就会掉出。 If you turn the envelope upside down, the key will fall out.
 (倾斜或反转容器使里面的东西出来) pour; tip:
  把炉灰倒入垃圾箱 tip cinders into a dustbin;
  把牛奶从瓶子里倒到玻璃杯里去。 Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass.
  他把一肚子的冤屈都倒了出来。 He poured out all his grievances.
 (上下或前后颠倒的) upside down; inverted; inverse:
  小孩把画挂倒了。 The children hung the picture upside down.
 (表示跟意料相反, 相当于“反倒”) but; on the contrary:
  病人情况不但没有好转,倒恶化了。 The patient was no better but rather grew worse.
  都春天了,倒下起雪了。 It's spring, yet it is snowing.
  房子虽然不大,倒挺实用的。 The house is not big, but it fits in with our needs.
  你还有什么要说的, 我倒要听听。 I'd like to hear what else you've got to say.
 (表示事情不是那样) indicating that sth. is not what one thinks:
  你说得倒容易, 事情哪有那么简单! It's easy for you to say that, but actually it is not so simple.
 (表示让步或转折) used to denote a transition or concession:
  东西倒不坏, 就是太贵了些。 It is not bad, only it is a bit too dear.
  我跟他认识倒认认识 ,就是不太熟。 I know him, but not very well.
  这张桌子倒很好看, 不过小了点儿。 This desk looks fine, but it is a little (bit) smaller.
 (表示催促或追问, 含不耐烦语气) carrying the sense of “urge”:
  你倒快点走啊! Can't you be quicker?
  你倒去不去呀? Do you want to go or not?
 另见 dǎo。
 (人或竖立的东西横躺下来) fall; topple:
  摔倒 fall over;
  倒在地上 topple down to the ground;
  风把树刮倒了。 The gale uprooted the tree.
  那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了。 The tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.
 (事业失败; 垮台) collapse; fail:
  那家工厂倒了。 That factory has gone bankrupt.
  内阁倒了。 The cabinet collapsed.
 (嗓子变低或变哑) (of voice) become hoarse:
  他的嗓子倒了。 He has lost his voice.
 (转移; 转换) change; exchange:
  倒肩 shift a burden from one shoulder to the other;
  你愿意和我倒一下座位吗? Will you change seats with me?
 (腾挪) move around:
  地方太小,倒不开身。 There is no room to move around.
 (出倒) offer (house, shop) for sale
 (打倒) down with; down:
  倒阁 down with the cabinet
 另见 dào。




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