

字词 通信
释义 通信
 tōng xìn
 communication; communicate by letter; correspond:
  通信处 mailing address;
  通信员 messenger; orderly;
  我们好久没有通信了。 We haven't corresponded for a long time.
  我们之间的通信只限于几封商业函件。 Our correspondence is limited to a few commercial letters.
 通信保密 communication security;
 通信保障 communication support;
 通信部队 signal unit;
 通信程序包 communication package;
 通信处理器 communication processor;
 通信传输系统 telecommunication transmission system;
 通信-导航-识别一体化 {航空} integrated communications-navigation-identification (ICNI);
 通信地址区 channel address field;
 通信电缆 {讯} communication cable;
 通信调查 questionnaire mail;
 通信对抗 {讯} communication countermeasure;
 通信发射机 commanication transmitter;
 通信反侦察 communication anti-reconnaissance;
 通信方式控制 communication mode control;
 通信仿真系统 communication emulator;
 通信浮标 communication buoy;
 通信辅助设备 communication auxiliary equipment;
 通信干扰 communication jamming;
 通信干扰设备 communication jamming device;
 通信鸽 carrier pigeon; homing pigeon;
 通信工程 communication engineering;
 通信工程部队 communication engineering unit;
 通信估计 estimates from correspondence;
 通信管理 telecommunication management;
 通信缓冲器 communication buffer;
 通信寄存装置 communication register unit;
 通信计划 signal (communication) plan;
 通信计算机 communication computer;
 通信交换 switching;
 通信交换系统 communication switching system;
 通信接口 communication interface; traffic cop;
 通信接收机 {电子} communication receiver;
 通信控制处理装置 communication control processor;
 通信控制点 communication controller node;
 通信控制字符 communication control character;
 通信理论 {讯} communication theory;
 通信联络 signal communication;
 通信联络组织 organization of signal communication;
 通信连接装置 communication link;
 通信码流保密 {讯} traffic flow security;
 通信帽 communication helmet;
 通信模块 communication module;
 通信内聚性 communication cohesion;
 通信频带 {讯} communication band;
 通信区域指示器 communication zone indicator;
 通信犬 messenger dog;
 通信任务 communication task;
 通信软件(体) communication software;
 通信设备 carriage communication installation;
 通信声纳 communication sonar;
 通信输入输出控制系统 communication input-output control system;
 通信手段 means of communication;
 通信数据处理机 communication data processor;
 通信速度 {讯} communication speed;
 通信信图 {讯} traffic diagram;
 通信网络 {讯} communication network;
 通信维修功能 communication serviceability facilities;
 通信卫星 communication satellite; radio relay satellite; {航空} relay satellite;
 通信系统 {讯} communication system;
 通信线 order wire; communication line;
 通信向量表 communication vector table;
 通信协议 communication protocol;
 通信信道 {讯} communication channel;
 通信信息转移通路 {讯} communication bus;
 通信用户程序 communication user program;
 通信语句 {自} communication statement;
 通信语言 {讯} communication language;
 通信预处理机 communication preprocessor;
 通信载运体 communication vehicle;
 通信侦察 signal reconnaissance;
 通信侦察设备 communication reconnaissance equipment;
 通信执勤管理 arrangement for communication duty;
 通信中继站 {讯} communication relay station;
 通信终端 communication terminal;
 通信终端设备(机) communication terminal equipment;
 通信转接 communication switching;
 通信字 communication word




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