

 (戳开) open up or clear out by poking or jabbing; poke; jab:
  通炉子 poke up the fire;
  通下水道 jab the cleaning rod into a sewer pipe
 (有路达到) lead to; go to:
  四通八达 extend in all directions; be linked by rail and road to various parts of the country;
  这条高速公路直通沈阳。 The expressway goes (leads) straight to Shenyang.
 (连接; 相来往) connect; communicate; transmit:
  沟通情况 communicate news;
  暗通款曲 send secret messages;
  互通情报 exchange information;
  互通有无 each supplies what the other needs; supply each other's needs;
  两个房间是通着的。 The two rooms are connected (open into each other).
 (传达;使知道) notify; tell:
  通个电话 phone sb. up; give sb. a ring; call sb. up;
  通名报姓 tell one's name
 (了解; 懂得) understand; know; master:
  精通英语 have a good command of English;
  无师自通 learn without a teacher; self-taught;
  他通3种语言。 He knows three languages.
 (精通某一方面的人) authority; expert:
  中国通 an old China hand; Sinologue;
  日本通 an expert on Japan;
  万事通 know-all; Jack of all trades; a master of everything
 (姓氏) a surname:
  通琦 Tong Qi
 (不堵塞的) open; through:
  直通街道 a through street;
  大便畅通 open bowels;
  电话打通了。 The call has been put through.
  这个主意行得通。 This idea will work.
 (通顺) logical; coherent:
  文章写得文理不通。 The essay is ungrammatical and incoherent.
 (普通; 一般) common; general:
  通称 a general term;
  词的通常读音 the general pronunciation of a word;
  普通拍子 common time
 (整个; 全部) all; whole; entire:
  通身 the whole body;
  通观全局 take an overall view of the situation;
  通宵达旦 all night long;
  通盘规划 overall planning
  一通文书 an official document;
  一通电报 a telegram
 另见 tòng。
  大哭了一通 have a good cry;
  发了一通牢骚 utter a grumble;
  擂鼓三通 three rolls of the drums;
  说了他一通 give him a talking-to
 另见 tōng。




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