

字词 选举
释义 选举
 xuǎn jǔ
 elect; election; vote:
  间接选举 indirect election;
  投票选举 select ... by vote;
  无记名投票选举 elect by secret ballot;
  直接选举 direct electon;
  美国宪法原先规定, 总统应由选举团选举出来。 The Constitution of the U. S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college.
 选举程序 electoral procedure; electoral proceedings;
 选举单位 electoral unit;
 选举登记 voters registration;
 选举地理学 electoral geography;
 选举法 electoral law;
 选举结果 election results; election returns;
 选举令 writ of election;
 选举年 (美) the Election Year;
 选举人 voter; elector;
 选举日 (美) the Election Day;
 选举说教 (美) Election Day sermon;
 选举委员会 electoral committee;
 选举制度 electoral system




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