

 (挑选) select; choose; pick:
  比赛前选场地 choose sides before a contest;
  挑选 pick and choose;
  选出最好的一本书 pick out the best book;
  你为什么不选一个好一点的作文题? Why didn't you select a better subject for your composition?
  她选他为夫。 She chose him for her husband.
  这个城市被选为下届奥运会的会址。 This city has been selected as the site for the coming Olympic Games.
 (选举) elect:
  大(普)选 general election;
  当选 be elected;
  入选 be chosen (selected, elected);
  他被选入委员会。 He was elected into the committee.
  我们选她当篮球队队长。 We elected her captain of our basketball team.
 (挑选出来编在一起的作品) selections; anthology:
  民歌选 a selection of falk songs;
  诗选 selected poems;
  文选 an anthology of prose




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