

字词 退
释义 退
 (向后移动) retreat; draw back; move back:
  后退 draw back; fall back; retreat;
  进退两难 difficult to advance or to retreat;
  敌人已经退了。 The enemy has retreated.
  她往后退了几步。 She stepped back a few paces.; She backed up several steps.
 (使向后移动) cause to move back; remove; withdraw:
  退敌 repulse the enemy;
  把子弹退出来 remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun; unload a gun
 (退出) quit; withdraw from:
  退伙 withdraw from a mess;
  退学 quit school
 (减退; 下降) recede; ebb; decline:
  退汗 arrest perspiration;
  洪水退了。 The floodwater receded.
  他的烧已经退了。 His fever has dropped.
 (颜色变淡) fade:
  各种颜色退得分不清了。 The colours fade into one another.
 (退还) give back; return:
  退钱 refund;
  退回原主 return to the sender;
  空瓶不退。 Empty bottles are not refundable.
 (撤销已定的事) cancel; rescind; break off:
  退合同 rescind a contract;
  退亲 break off an engagement




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